Articles from: July 2015

The Bavarian State Minister

The 47th Annual Congress of general practice and family medicine with the theme ‘ complexity in general practice challenges and opportunities ‘ broke all records.-as Congress President Prof. Anthony Schneider could alone 670 participants at the Klinikum rechts der ISAR of the TU Munich welcome. It is the largest scientific Congress general practitioner ever arranged in Germany. The German society for general practice and family medicine (DEGAM) appreciates the wide interest at their annual Congress: the large number of 232 was selected by a total 264 submitted abstracts. In addition to 120 lectures, 22 workshops and nine Preconference workshops took place. In addition, scientists from all over Germany presented their findings on 81 posters. Like every year the three best posters were awarded, the first prize went this time to the working group by Jacqueline Verena Michel (University of Maastricht), Verena Leve, PD Dr. s on the topic at hand. Horst Christian Vollmar, Prof.

Stefan Wilm, and Dr. Michael Pentzek (Alle Universitat Dusseldorf) with the subject of driving ability in dementia: ideas to proceed in the GP practice “. Key topics for discussion at the Congress were the education and training, improving under the key words will increasingly employ PJ duty quarter and Verbundweiterbildungplus the DEGAM in the near future. “The complexity takes in medicine noticeably DEGAM President Prof. Ferdinand M. Gerlach emphasized in the opening event, therefore, that the increase of Multimorbidity, as well as the progressive specialization of the Sub would require a medicine with a sense of proportion: A good family medicine can ensure an adequate and at the same time cost effective supply in this situation.” The Bavarian State Minister for environment and health, Dr.

Marcel Huber, praised the work of DEGAM, especially the commitment in the field of education and training in his speech. Prof. Gerlach expressed the wish, following sentence in the coalition agreement on federal policy, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming election, “a future Government to record: the training of medical students and the instruments for the promotion of training in general medicine be further developed to ensure the primary supply targeted.” No changes in the Executive Bureau of the DEGAM, again elected in all positions, there are regular elections in the General Assembly.

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