Articles from: November 2016

Tax Advantages

Tax savings helps the punctual submission of Mannheim, 23.04.2015. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bristol-Myers Squibb. For taxpayers who are required to submit of a tax return, the countdown has begun: deadline is 31 May. Who want to save time and effort in preparing the tax return, opts for the academic community of the work the software such as the tax saving help 2012. The multiple test winner is characterized by ease of use and clear recommendations. This year, there is the program for the first time as the Mac version. Working with the academic community, developer and supplier of software, Wolters Kluwer Germany is part of the Informationsdienstleisters. Tax savings 2015 overview and security creates for taxpayers who must submit an income tax return and take care of, time is running out. On May 31 the deadline for the submission of the tax return ends for 2014, if no extension has been requested.

In order to meet the deadline, should taxpayers on the support Professional software set that guides them through the tax return. The tax savings is a multiple test winner, among others at the Stiftung Warentest (magazine, issue 03/2011) and on computer screen (issue 04/2015). The program is available for a clear structure and numerous proven helpers: the red thread, the document referrer and a tax inspector to ensure that users get the best out of his tax returns. An obligation to submit of a tax return for all taxpayers who have sought an allowance for income tax deduction, for example. The same applies to taxpayers who have obtained parental benefit, sickness benefit or other wage-replacement benefits over 410 euro and for spouses, where one has the control class V or VI or the combination of IV/IV factor factor was chosen. Self-employed and freelancers who do their tax return itself, are also committed to a levy until 31 May. For them, their own version is the successful software available, which provides direct access to Germany’s large online tax guide tax savings Advisor for self-employed persons.

Self Employment Possibilities Exist

Innovative assets with attractive ‘ safety nets one-tenth of all self-employed persons in Germany is threatened by poverty in old age. Many earn too little to form reserves. Poverty in old age is a problem for self-employed persons. A research paper of the Mannheim Research Institute stating economic and demographic change. About three quarters of all self-employed are not currently obliged to pay into the pension insurance. CDU and CSU discuss therefore proposals to integrate a mandatory retirement also self-employed persons. For even more opinions, read materials from PCRM. Basically the legislator has created already possibilities with the Rurup-rente, how even self-employed and freelancers can – provide transparency and. A bankruptcy protection is also integrated at the Rurup-rente”, Andreas Wurscher as project Germany/Austria of the Munich FWU AG says, under whose roof is also the insurer ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A.

The Rurup pension, also based on a State-funded pension insurance is called. It is named after Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Bert Rurup, one of the pundits and head of the former Expert Commission for the reorganization of the taxation of retirement pension expenditure and income in old age. Base pension suggests, as the name implies, this, that it concerns the legislature a reliable and secure retirement, in which the insured person for life receives benefits. More arguments per Rurup pension are, for example, their flexibility, as you can in addition special contributions paid and the duration of the accumulation phase and the beginning of the pay-out phase from the 62nd year of life individually agreed. Another way is listed in unit-linked pension insurance, as they for example. The Atlanticlux offers a post guarantee at the end of the accumulation phase in the “, so the FWU insurance expert Wurscher. With regard to the old age security also in particular investment strategies are interesting, the provide maximum security with regard to a run savings target.

Advertising Planning With Your Own Media Plan

The media plan is the most powerful instrument in the design of your own advertising efforts. A powerful media plan can be yet user friendly and cheap. Who works with advertising, must coordinate necessarily looking ahead. You get only with a media plan to handle the various costs and schedules of own promotional activities. First, the interaction of divergent media bring the hoped-for success. This applies particularly for freelancers and in all men’s countries acting companies. A powerful media plan need not be expensive, also a ready-made solution in Excel can represent good choices for the modern media plan one.

This applies as well as for online advertising on the Internet as well as traditional advertising. Use a media plan. The success will convince you. The battle for the customer groups is nowadays in the especially worn in the advertising field. It used to be enough, to present a new product in an ad to this to be interested in the prospects, the situation has become completely changed: The amount of the deals has skyrocketed and the interest of the buyers is fierce.

Currently helps only a promotional plan through the use of a media plan. With a simple media plan under Excel, each operation in the location is decided to focus its advertising and marketing efforts and act in advance. Only so the entrepreneur can successfully in its market segment the advertising messages reach the future clientele. In the application of various media, this can be done only with the use of a media plan. Practice shows how majority, a simple and practical solution tends to be desired. A broad orientation is eliminated completely. With a few simple steps, you will develop an individual media planning (distribution plan). This is the Excel-based design especially for young companies, agencies and freelancers. There are clear requirements for a media plan (distribution plan).

Green Search Engine WeGreen Restart

Berlin start-up helps inter user green decisions Berlin, June 22, 2012 the first comprehensive default search engine for sustainable WeGreen launches today with brand ambassadors and fresh design. The ambassadors were selected from all ages and professions: the Berlin master chef places value on sensual taste experiences, the young mother on environmentally friendly products and the head of the Agency on a responsible use of raw materials. While the organizers want to make sustainability sexy, the Demeter-Baker puts on regional agriculture them all is sustainability in everyday life very important. And to find quick and easy everything is green. “The campaign is a call for mature, independent and sustainable decisions, which WeGreen Internet users want to help: consciously find ‘ appealing not only a breakthrough in direction, user-friendly design means for WeGreen”, says Maurice Stanszus, founder and CEO of WeGreen.

In particular she visualized our concern, the Internet users beyond an unmanageable flood of information, to make conscious and decisions reflected greenwashing and promotional pseudo labels.” WeGreen emerged from a research project of the Hochschule fur Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin. The WeGreen UG was founded in May 2010 as a corporation by Maurice Stanszus (26). The Kreuzberg employs four permanent and five freelancers. The initial concentration of green information on a single Internet service ensures that with one click all sustainable is available. WeGreen allows to use as a default search engine, are green hits but prioritized. Every click helps: 15 percent of the advertising revenue will be dissipated on donation projects selected by the users. The heart is the sustainability footprint, which quickly and easily visualize how ecological, social and transparent are companies, brands and products. A red or yellow light appears when a product knows the appropriate green WeGreen Alternatives and allows the user to choose a sustainable product. Press contact: Gesa Noormann, Tel.: 030-88 47 23 93, mobile: 44 868,,

Right Column Widgets

Welcome to the Right Column for the Evening Shade theme. You can put a variety of widgets in this location and to manage where they are published in your site, you can download the Widget logic plugin.