New life after death. 'The end comes as the death of' vocable from the writings of one of the most popular books of Agatha Christie, 'The Queen of Iniquity. " The product truly makes us think how much it really so? The problem of 'whether there is existence after death, there is life after life, "haunts me to experience rejection. Indeed there is a different version of being occurring after death? Kohl question of life after Life also seeks your mind, read on. "If you contemplate the style of death, heart open wide to the body of life. Since the hostel and the penalty is one, along the river meets the sea '. Words no one else like Kahlil Gibran. That – such an interesting picture of something intriguing, as we call death.
Today, I truly wonder what this means death, and what happens after death, saying in other words, what awaits us after death? But wait, I can not keep the action with two difficult things at the same time! So first I will try to uncover the meaning of death in different connotations in brief. Life After Life – A new formulation of the question. Medical term: In general and simple medical terms the death of the expiry of this all the biological functions of living organisms. This may be due to cardiac arrest, brain, etc. This can happen as well when natural circumstances or under artificial circumstances – fight, murder, extreme punishment, and so on.
Religious and Metaphysical Interpretation: It is equally extensive, on how it may be, however, religious concepts, there is a picture of what death is really just the end of the body, not soul. The soul after death is there. The body becomes part of the universe, and it comes back to the simple situation own way, from which the top and there turns into dust, into the ground. Bhagwad Gita, the sacred scripture of Hindus, also describes the concept of death and life after death. Bible says that death – is a consequence of our sins. The Bible tells us that physical death of the body – it's just separation of body from soul and spiritual death means separation of soul from God. However, we all live and all of us in the next is to die, without any reason on how you interpret it, one can be sure that the birth as a beginning and death as the end.