About 3,200 m used for innovations, the preparations for the 13th PMRExpo go innovations and proven solutions in the hot phase. Main topics of the international trade fair for professional mobile radio and command and control centers are networked security and public safety. The organizer of EW delighted media and conferences around 140 exhibitors and co-exhibitors. More than twenty media partners support the exhibition across Europe by reporting. The practical orientation of the PMRExpo WINS special importance in view of the ongoing expansion of the BOS digital radio network.
According to the Federal Agency for digital communication of authorities and organisations with security tasks (BDBOS) were early September by the planned around 4,500 base stations already 3.961 built and of integrated 3.515 base stations. 500,000 Expected participants, about 365,000 are already logged on. Essentially, the commissioning of the network will be completed by the end of 2014. The digital radio network is one of the largest technical upgrading projects in Germany. The PMRExpo refers to the variety of application-oriented topics and is structured as a five-pillar model: exhibition, Colloquium, control Congress, international BOS-Forum and the applications Forum.
Opened the trade fair is Chairman of the Board, professional mobile radio Federation (PMeV) on the 26 November by Dr. Gerhard Schabhuser, head of crypto Technology Department, Federal Office for security in information technology, and Peter Damerau. The Colloquium will take place on the 26th and 27.11. On the first day, high-profile speakers are expected, including Jochen Homann, President of the Federal Network Agency. The moderation accept Uwe Jakob, Managing Director of PMeV. The second day of the Colloquium Steffen Babaian, Board Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrialist operating radio e.V. (AIB) and Klemens cheeks, Managing Director of AIB perform together. In particular, the Organizer about the contribution of Dr. Richard Georgi forward. He reported on the experiences and the current status of the introduction of the BOS digital radio in Hesse, Germany. All lectures will be simultaneously in the English translated. Networked security in the context of BOS digital communication is the main theme of the Congress of Centre at the health, moderated by Andreas Sirtl, Deputy Head of the Regional Office of digital radio BOS Berlin. In addition to the implementation status of the BOS digital radio in other selected federal countries, are legal frameworks, the connection of BOS digital radio system in operation and the topics of disaster protection and warning the population in the foreground. The first annual international BOS Forum on 26 underlines the international character of the PMRExpo and 27.11 focus theme of the Panel discussions is public safety. The discussion boards are staffed with international specialists and take place in English. Hannu Aronsson, Chairman of TCCA applications working group, and Tero Pesonen, critical communications professional take over moderation. In addition exhibitors present the audience on all three days of innovative and practical solutions on 60 square meters in the context of the applications Forum. Detailed information on opening times, directions, admission prices and event program see: PMRExpo, 26-28 2013, KOELNMESSE, Hall 10.2, entrance East the PMRExpo already held for the 13th time. Since 2009, the Cologne fair is home to the leading international trade fair for professional mobile radio and command and control centers. A large number of national and international exhibitors such as manufacturers, users and operators of professional mobile imagine radio (PMR) systems. The PMRExpo of Texprocess is the German professional mobile radio Association (PMeV). Organizer is the EW media and Congress GmbH, Frankfurt am Main.
Botox is also used in latter case. Further corrections that are made in the context of aesthetic surgery, are creating the ears, the correction of a receding Chin or the proportioning of the nose. However, it is more complex interventions, in which not only superficially handled. Rather it involves even corrections of existing bone, meaning a lengthy healing process. More information regarding the plastic surgery interventions within the framework of the cosmetic surgery rarely by health insurance carried.
It is for example a correction after an accident, so the costs assume the private insurance often. Partly, the attending physician can attest even severe mental impairment by the external stigma, then one is at least partial reimbursement by the health insurance funds is also possible. In all other cases, so if it is in fact only an aesthetic intervention, the patient must bear the costs themselves. These vary depending on the procedure. So simple corrections of wrinkles from 80 to 100 euros are possible, extensive treatments cost several thousand euros. Important to remember is, that after the actual surgery more treatments are regular checks of healing may come retreatment or treatment of undesirable consequences of the operation in question. It is also important that a patient has realistic expectations of such intervention.
The beauty of OP can work miracles, she can improve only the existing look and feel. An all-round renovation”, as she is often portrayed by the media, is not only expensive, but also entails high risks. Risks, which usually are not a reputable surgeons, if not a particularly serious case a miss design, to the Example of the face of the patient is. Every case, patients should ensure that they receive adequate advice. You might want to seek out not only a single plastic surgeon and get a multiple opinions on the subject. There different methods used for individual treatments, where some are still new and less tried, for it but less stressful. In most cases attempting today to put on minimal-invasive surgery. The operations are carried out often as an outpatient procedure, a longer hospital stay is necessary only at major interference. However, the regular check-ups are important, because here it’s particularly care to monitor the healing of the surgical scars. Otherwise rapidly new problems can adjust. Generally, inflammation of the tissue, redness, fever, pain and haemorrhage are possible, occur after surgery performed by an experienced surgeon, but only very rarely. The patient must be after the surgery conserve. Especially after treatments of the skin, it is important to avoid the Sun. This can take up to a period of half a year.
Southwestern State university of Bahia – UESB For: Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro, 2005 Commentary on the text: The CVRD and (Reverse speed) the Estruturao of the Geographic Space in the Area of Carajs (Par) the question argued in the text is on the desestruturao process/reorganization of the geographic and social space, in which it brings great problems in the social structures and some social conflicts, territorial/space. Being the Company Valley of the River Candy (CVRD) an integrated system (mine, railroad and port), gave origin to the Program Great Carajs (a great deposit with 18 billion tons of iron of high quality) had as strategy of development for the Eastern Amaznia. This of treating to a rich region in minerals and with a small poor population, making with that the man power is cheaper, making possible still bigger exploration of the region. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit James A. Levine, M.D.. Although the explorations of minerals are a wealth source, the same the measure will be able to be depleted that the companies exploring they go removing these minerals using itself of more modern machines each time, making the withdrawal of the materials of faster form. They must be led in consideration that the minerals are sources did not renew, therefore, a time removed and used it will not have substitutes in the extration areas, having left the consequncias for the native population. The islands of sintropia and entropy in the extrativas economies characterize the occupation and posterior production of depressed peripheries and great misery the example of this has the Bare Mountain range (today sees the chaos. If you have read about James A. Levine, M.D. already – you may have come to the same conclusion. After sucking all its material it was abandoned), the cities of Parauapebas, Curionpoles, Eldorado de Carajs, where if it can observe great social indifference, a needy population that attends only the taken wealth being for is of its region. In this context one perceives the contrast between a rich region and part of the poor population (without school, health and jobs). .