Articles from: December 2017

EEG Language

This Syndrome does not occur for genetic inheritance, however it is fruit of an internal mutation of chromosome X, justifying the biggest incidence in the women. The girls if become anxious irritadias and start to make movements estereotipados with the hands. When bigger they can recoup part of the capacity to interact socially, however the psicomotor damage does not present regressions. (VARELLA, 2010) 3) Another illness that presents similar symptoms to the one of the Autismo is the Desintegrativa Disturbance of Infncia (PDI), that it is characterized for loss of the language, of the necessity and pleasure to establish visual contact loss of the not verbal communication, as to point objects. It occurs in the five first years of life, obligatorily. According to Schwartzman (2006), the children who present this upheaval execute normal and appropriate activities to the age, however from the 2 years of life and, before the 10, the child she suffers alterations that take the significant losses of the communicative processes, mannering and social.

It is also known as syndrome of Heller, infantile dementia or desintegrativa psychosis e, can present alterations the neurological level, generating even though, mental retardation, with presence of abnormalitys in EEG (Eletroencefalograma). According to DSM-IV-TR (2003), the criteria for disgnostic evaluation of the PDI are: pparently normal Development, at least during the 2 first years after the birth, revealed for the presence of verbal and not-verbal communication, social relationships, appropriate games and adaptativo behavior to the age. clinically significant Loss of acquired abilities already (before the 10 years) in at least two of the following areas: (1) expressive or receptive language (2) social abilities or adaptativo behavior (3) intestinal or vesical control (4) games (5) motor abilities Abnormalitys of the functioning in at least two of the following areas: (1) qualitative damage in the social interaction.

Business Plan

This means that they go beyond the intellectual level, with the focus of its luster in the plane of action. They demand of the environment around certain features that are not no real common in modern societies (Tappe, 1982). Who first raised the rating indigo applied to a group of children was Tappe (1982) parapsychologist, lecturer and researcher in this field. Explain that human beings radiate "auric layers" with certain colors. And that only certain people can see these auras, however, in these layers, depending on the colors involved, it is defined personality traits and other aspects relating to the individual.

This paper identifies the characteristics of the groups by color and then developed. She claims to have seen the auras of the children in the color intensity, as defined in the dictionary is around "" indigo, dark blue natural dye obtained from various plants of the genus Indigofera. It is said about them, moreover, the term "indigo children" is not accepted by pedagogy, psychiatry and psychology because it has not been able to prove it conclusively. It is considered that there is much fanaticism, would be denied the educational and health institutions. Thus, argue that the existence of Indigo children would actually be a reaction of "rebellion" of parents to authoritarian education systems that restrict the expansive behavior of the infant, to reward conformity and passivity and criticize the creativity. Senator of Massachusetts may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

It is said that some were skeptical, saying that this sort of "superiority" attributed to indigo children is harmful to the development of hyperactive toddlers, whose most urgent need is to learn to live with others, as well as getting attention and parental support and the environment. This variant of the alleged properties of Indigo children is racist and discriminatory components. According Llinares (2001) there are four types of Indigos, each with a purpose: 1. The humanist, that is designed to work with the masses. They are doctors, lawyers, teachers, traders, businessmen and politicians of tomorrow. They will serve the masses and are more sensitive and often your body is smaller, but that's not a rule. They are more inclined towards art, and be very creative teachers and artists of tomorrow. Whatever it is to be engaged in, always will be geared toward the creative side. Within the field of medicine, will be surgeons or researchers. In the field of arts, will be the actors. Between 4 and 10 years, they can engage in up to 15 different creative activities, he devoted five minutes to one and then leave. 4. The interdimensional: it is much larger than the other Indigos, from the standpoint of height. Between 1 and 2 years and I can not say anything. They will say: "" I already know "or" I can do that ", or" Leave me alone "." It is they who will bring new philosophies and spirituality into the world. If you believe that your family has Indigo children is suggested to take into account education: Give him a chance at all Treat with respect, Average common and often are overwhelmed by the energies of your environment. Em You finally have the opinion about them, if so share it.

IMC Abdominal

For example, if you weigh 58Kg and measure 1,56m, you you must use the following formula to calculate the IMC: IMC: 58/1,56×1,56 IMC: 58/2,43 IMC = 23,86 Congratulations you are in its normal weight She is intent (), also, its abdominal circumference, therefore although to be in its normal weight, an abdominal circumference is of the indicated one can favor to the appearance of illnesses, as for example infarto acute of the myocardium. The abdominal circumference is a simple and representative method of the fat accumulated in the abdomen. It represents when associate to other factors as, diabetes, hipertenso, high cholesterol and triglicerides and obesidade, high risk to develop the metabolic syndrome. The METABOLIC SYNDROME (SM) is characterized for the association, in one same individual, of dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus of 2 type or intolerncia to the glucose, arterial hipertenso and excess of weight or obesidade. This measure easily is carried through: using not elastic a metric ribbon, the abdominal circumference is measured in the height of the umbilical scar (umbigo). After medicates to carry through it sees if you this running some risk: Men: > 102 cm Women: > 88 cm With the cult the beauty many times dictated by the esteretipos of passarelas of fashion, appear in the market innumerable diets with promises of loss of fast and healthful weight, but they do not deceive a healthful diet and without the occurrence of that undesirable effect concertina she is that one gotten through the medical accompaniment and associate with physical exercises, when recommended. In accordance with the Endocrinologista Dr.

Guillermo de Azevedo Ribeiro, author of the book Diet Note 10, that it folloies diverse famous actresses, the differential, of the diet of notes, is the freedom to mount the proper cardpio. The choices are based on the taste of each one. No food is forbidden. Amongst the celebrities it is to the actress Carolina Dieckmann who eliminated 30 kg acquired in the pregnancy, thanks to the diet of notes, According to diet, each food possesss one definitive note number. each person, depending on the height and sex, must consume one definitive note number to obtain to lose weight. Still, in accordance with the endocrinologista, you can eat of everything and lose the kilos that it desires. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from dr alan mendelsohn. Because to emagrecer it is simple, although not to be easy. Emagrecer, and if to keep in the ideal weight, demands to change the alimentary habits.

Minibike – This ABC Motorcycling

To learn how to read, you need to pick up a primer and to begin to learn the alphabet, that is the letters. Then, do not hesitate to begin to read by syllables, and then only gradually comes to certain skill cursory reading. Everything everywhere! From simple to complex. So why do so many of us, not knowing the "motorcycle alphabet" are trying to get straight to liter sportbike, and rush in search of adventure on your own ass and not just the ass? Why not having driving skills, even on a normal road bike, the people are so drawn to the most powerful "sport" where the amount of horsepower is equal to weight in kilograms of the motorcycle? Such haste to jump several steps at once Motorcycle evolution will lead to a tragedy, or to the fact that you just can not realize and 10% of the potential inherent in the bike. Maybe we should first learn how to sit properly brake, right balance in the body turns up in a small sportbike, which is called "minibike"? Minibike not only looks like a race bike, though it is significantly smaller.

All management techniques and habits Motorcycle alike as two peas in a pod. Only on a small motorcycle, to understand some things easier! First, because everything happens at a much slower speed, and secondly because the cost of failure is not so high, and you can afford risk and seek the face. That is, limits to the motorcycle, tire, and your own face.

Right Column Widgets

Welcome to the Right Column for the Evening Shade theme. You can put a variety of widgets in this location and to manage where they are published in your site, you can download the Widget logic plugin.