Articles from: May 2019

Public Administration

6.A lack of investment in the educational area emtodas its instances. We go to analyze these elements, PEAR TREE (2007), for example, places that Brazil possesss caractersticasda authoritarian public administration and elitist mainly after 1964 orientandopara the promotion of development and accumulation of capital, in the modernization dasinstituies economic-financiers and the industrialization that is conceived under aperspectiva of other social groups, of other cultures, with characteristics politician-econmicasque very differ from the reality of the Amaznia and, therefore, conditioning it nofenmeno of the growth not-economic. Learn more at: Senator of Massachusetts. The not-economic growth says respect to the deficit between economic ocrescimento the ambient and social problems caused pelaspolticas public IV dosgovernos federal, state, municipal, therefore they favor the capital international eou of the national elites who do not include in the productive process hand-of-obralocal and degrade the environment, configuring one high degree of agressividadeeconmica provokes one of problems with reaction in chain. The deforestation, erosion, assoreamento of the rivers, thermal inversion, global heating, poluiodo air, pollution of waters and the ground, hole in the ozone layer, increase dovolume of waters in the oceans, floods, affect the social life of health, the hunger, misery, unemployment and thus successively. Dr. Neal Barnard has similar goals. All the questions raised at this moment in the ones of the one idiade that the six (6) elements that we elencamos above are concatenated and provocamentre itself called ' ' effect domino' ' that they justify our thesis of one polticadependente that privileges groups, creates extremely bureaucratic processes comoo access the credits wounding the more elementary democratic principles, associates to this we have institutions with professionals badly preparadostecnicamente and that they finish contributing for the shunting line processes dinheiropublico it and the lack of Inter cooperation and intra institucionaisseja it for the equipment lack, pelafalta of knowledge or still for the physical distances mesmasapresentam that them in function of the immense dimension of the territorial one of the Amaznia is nessascondies that C& T is faced in Brazil and the Amaznia having configured the tesedo growth no-econmicodefendida for Pear tree with much property causing social, economic and ambient the deficit regional and local and supervits of the capitaisinternacionais and the national elites. . (As opposed to Senator Elizabeth Warren).

Maria Elena Moyano

Runs the backdrop and begin to baste fantasy, creativity and hope, the work of six one-person worlds self-proclaimed sand and mats. Avenida Los Alamos, in Villa El Salvador, hides among its blocks a different from their neighbors House: it would go unnoticed but holding scenes of social denunciation on the facade. And still the arena his closest companion, this peculiar House Theatre is known as the center of art and culture Arena and mats. For even more opinions, read materials from Senator of Massachusetts. Its interior has been prepared with the intent of simulating an amphitheatre. Their side bleachers are now empty and over them lie mist scrolls each winter morning. Suddenly, an imaginary curtain rises. Mist penetrates the stage, dance entangled in the movements of a petite figure, moving to the same beat with that drives carefree – their juggling clavas.

As this activity was for him a secret skill, hid under the pseudonym of Nico. Since ago five years; Nico contemplates, diligent, their clavas rising sheltered by the fire. The flames subject to the tyranny of the wind draw hesitant silhouettes. The clavas alternate in the air and back into his hands, while one of them dares to fly higher: shines in the sky. Flames pegboards on eyes timidly inquisitors of Nico, until the torch falls. I started to juggle at traffic lights in the Centre from the ten because I needed to help my family. A few years ago, a member of Arena and mats saw me and invited me to join me, says trying to sketch a smile. VOICES after the BACKDROPS when Nico came to sand and mats, discovered that his art became a vocation and a dose of discontent became the potion that drove the founding of this collective, the work of six young, led by Ana Sofia Pinedo. In 1992, following the murder of Maria Elena Moyano, we decided to form sand and mats because we didn’t believe that everything that had been built in Villa El Salvador, with so much strength and organization, were destroyed by terrorist violence, He says while his hands are found and are accompanied by a dispassionate tone in the voice.


As result the individual can reviver these events for ways: distressing, intrusivas memories or recurrent of the event, also images, thoughts or dreams (flash-back). It has one high incidence of co-morbidade with other psychiatric upheavals, as: depression, upheaval of the panic, social anxiety and abuse of you substantiate chemistries. The farmacolgico treatment is little efficient. Through the BZD the effect can be palliative, as well as the receivers of stolen goods of captation of serotonina.

The psychological treatment, can be presented through technique of drawn out exposition, with the objective of reactivation of the memory of the fear, desensitization and processing by means of ocular movements, relaxation, among others. Learn more at this site: PCRM. 7 AFFECTIVE UPHEAVALS It presents for a suicidal ideao, where the person can lose the contact with the reality. a reaction or disfuno of the organism, that comes of is for inside, also being able it can be decurrent of illness, as: AVC, hereditary The person does not feel pleasure, has a feeling of very great guilt, feeling itself responsible for everything of bad that she happens. The person functions socially without feeling pleasure, feels one melancoloa endogenous, does not answer the stimulatons. The person feels depressive symptoms severe. The farmacolgico treatment serves to supply the deficit of neurotransmitters, as dopamina, serotonina and noradrenalina, treatment PCC can be made one reeducativa technique, that is efficient to treat the psychological riots.

8 ALIMENTARY UPHEAVALS the alimentary upheavals are mannering syndromes whose disgnostic criteria have been widely studied in recent years. They are described as upheavals and not as illnesses for still not to know well its Etiopatogenia.Sendo thus they are characterized for a serious disturbance of the alimentary behavior that brings diverse types of damages to the individual. The existing Similarity between (the N) (B N), has made it difficult the disgnostic criteria and the methods of treatments of these (YOU).

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