For the Manual of Diagnosis and Statistician of Transtornos Mentais (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (1994) it is classified as a picture of anxiety and extreme concerns of long duration (minimum six months), folloied for some somatic symptoms. ' ' The anxiety is impossible to control and results in great discomfort and serious social suffering for pessoa.' ' (It creaks, 2007p.219) it has an exaggerated perception of the danger or threat, it can make a rational explanation of the problem, register of automatic thoughts, to define the best form of intervention and to have the contribution of the patient. The farmacolgico treatment, is made with the benzodiazepnicos of half average or long life, as: Diazepan, clonazepan, clordiazepxido. The main symptoms are: complaint of chronic feeling of nervousness, tremors, muscular tension, sudorese, sensation of light head, palpitations, giddiness, badly to be gastrintestinal, that they are most common. (As opposed to Senator of Massachusetts). The person feels the crisis only with the possibility of adoecimento or difficulties its or a relative. In the Cognitivo-Mannering Model therapist perceives that the individual 5 TRICOTILOMANIA The tricotilomania is a chronic riot, classified in the picture of psychiatric upheavals, characterized for the recurrent reply to pull out the hair, resulting in imperfections and injuries in the affected area. Christopher ridgeway stone shines more light on the discussion. The beginning of the symptoms, in general, it is observed during infancy, between the 5 and 8 years, or during the adolescence around the I3 years. The symptom is presented as: to pull out the hair until making look like obvious loss, presenting tension moments or to try to resist the impulse not to pull out, to feel pleasure when pulling out the hair. The significant riot cause estresse clinical or social, occupational incapacitao or in another important area of the functioning of the individual. The tricotilomania, is frequently folloied of other upheavals of the habit, as to gnaw the nails, to espremer spines, or irregularities of the skin, to bite lbiosentre others.