Education 5 24 Average Ensino 15 71 Superior in course 1 5 TOTAL 21 100 Source: Interviews carried through for the execution of this work TABLE 3 Perception of the users on the attendance with PercepoPacientes nurse (%) Indifferent Security/confiana11 52 6 29 Not confiam3 14 Not aceitam1 5 100 TOTAL21 Source: Interviews carried through for the execution of this work the findings of the research disclose in them that the users if feel valued and important during the collection of citopatolgico material, although 29% to be unaware of that it carries through who it are the professional nurse. Beyond an act automatized technician and, they agree the nurse to acquire capacity to ahead understand and to understand the human being of its amplified complexities, dimensions, knowing to hear and to intervine, to make it with comprehensive and humanizadas actions. (ALMEIDA; AXE, 2005). You say amongst them of the patients, was possible to understand that the perception of the user in relation to the citopatolgica collection is formed during anamnese, carried through before the collection of citopatolgico material carried through by the nurse, corresponding 52% of the users who say to feel confidence and security.
To hear and to receive the patient before any procedure are of utmost importance. At this moment mutual influence occurs, which is cultivated by perceptions and exchange of verbal information, creating bond between the patient and the responsible professional for the material collection. The patients who had not obtained to express themselves with clearness, had exactly thus participated giving to its opinion on differences and similarities between the collection made for the nurse and the made one for the doctor. With the nurse he is possible to establish a relation next individual. The patients, in its majority, say that they feel to the will to express subjects related to the life, what she is marked by the naturalness and flexibility, as she can be observed in the stories to follow: H 8 – 36 years, escolaridade: average education.
‘ ‘ Pra me is normal, therefore already it makes 5 years that I only make with nurse, I feel myself comfortable very, therefore the nurse me leaves tranquila and to the will to say on the related problems my privacy and transmits confidence in the execution of procedimento’ ‘. N 13 – 15 years, escolaridade: average education. ‘ ‘ I found that it was good, because it clarifies all doubts, pra always for leaving people to vontade’ ‘. P 15 – 25 years, escolaridade: average education ‘ ‘ For me it was an excellent experience. The professional passed me much security, knew to explain the questions to me that fiz’ ‘. L 11-32 years: escolaridade: average education ‘ ‘ I feel myself well, it me of the security, not only pra me, but for all pessoas’ ‘. These stories go to the meeting of speak of Arajo et al., that it says that ‘ ‘ the participation of a strange person to the woman it is imposta.