br WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IS NOT BRUXISMO: Bruxismo already foiatribudo the enfeitiamento for witch, displacement of invasorareprimida energy being able to be it one ncubo, a fluid, a dalibido unconscious repression and other things constituting all variations of the passivista model lunatic human being. A circular incision in calota craniana, so that the energiainvasora spurted for is, such which in a petroliferous well, leaving osdentes in peace is an example stimulant to understand what it is psicoterapiabaseada in displacement of unconscious repression. In the threshold of the new millenium superstitions they had been stops backwards. One knows that bruxismo is not insanity nor unconscious phenomenon. simplesmente a mannering act set in motion by a meganrgica memory oumegane, created for its proper author, which contains the archives of memriaprogramadores of those mandibular movements, without whose archives the denonimado atocomportamental of bruxismo could not occur. PHASES OF SLEEP: Bruxismo can occur eventualmenteem vigil and in all the periods of training of sleep, but it predominates in period of training II egeralmente is absent in period of training IV.

ORIGIN OF THE TERM: Bruxismo comes of the witchcraft, cujosmanuais had been most complete and including studies of sleep until century XV.O central theoretical model of these manuals had so strong influence, quesobrevive until today camouflaged of psychoanalysis, thanks to Freud that, according to eleprprio, copied such models, substituting ncubo for id, porhistrica possessed, pactuao for neurosis, possession for psychosis. (If somebody gostarv not to complain with Freud. It was who spoke. I am only informing) the dream I was produced for one ncubo (Freud would call id) that it penetrated in the brain, it assaulted the deposit of memories, it chose one delase captured the passive imagination (projection), which had that to get over to afazer a theater in accordance with (manifest content) the intentions of the copulador grandeinvasor (content Noerobica -, cujopasso initial is check-up of the cerebral hardware, task that must be cumpridapelo> respective medical or odontolgico specialist.

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