
All dumb one, all passes They liveed far from everything. Far from the life, of the people. They lived far from intrigues, of the jealousy, the envy, says of it that it says that, of covets. It and its children. Nobody more. They had found one well casinha far from the city and that way they had been.

He has much time In the outskirts of the house, many fruitful trees. Banana tree, laranjeira, abacateiro and as much other more. In ' ' horta, ' ' very gostosos matinhos. If they wanted more things to eat, left weeds the rejection. Some thing always found. Pr that more? The water was handle in a pipe well close.

Gostosa, fresquinha. If they were poor? They were unaware of the meaning of the word. They had forgotten has much time If they were happy? It can be. 0f the sort they. Badly it started to become gloomy, they went to lie down and they were talking until sleep to arrive. The mother counted histories. He was ' ' inventadeira' '. Badly the day clareava, already they were all waked up. More time to make nothing? Not. They played of amarelinha, casinha, handle catches, went up in the trees Child is child in any place. The mother had taught the tricks. Time for another one, it went until the city next, that was well far, and gained some thing to bring for house. To ask for it did not ask for. But she earned. Its connection with the world was this. But, as everything in the life, this good life finished. was thus: It is not known as, but they had been knowing of them. It will be that house had followed the mother in the return pr, when of gone its to the city? Until then they were not visible to nobody, did not exist. She knows yourself there as she happened When the men had come, had not liked the house of taipa, although much limpinha. They had said that the children badly were nourished, in pertaining to school age, etc and such and that all would have to follow them. they, submissos there had been and very scared, leaving everything she stops backwards. They had been led to some places, examined, fed, had heard many people speaking at the same time, they had been heard, they had felt mercy looks, of curiosity, until they had decided to arrange a place to live. They had not asked if they wanted. With passing of the time, feelings that they they did not know, had started to disturb them. They had started to desire third party properties and they did not know as to deal with this. They felt cimes when one of the ones of house arranged a better job. They said ones of the others with the mother, who not wise person what to make. These feelings had arrived without asking for license. The mother did not have more time to be ' ' inventadeira' ' of always. All felt lack of the life of long ago, but they knew that the interdependence between them was in the past. They could not remain in the ignorance. They now were others and never more they would come back to be what they had been. Everything was in the souvenir, was in the past that not return more. Heloisa 21/maro/2011

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