Linseed oil with much ALA is an attractive alternative to fish oil who want to effectively protect against heart attacks and stroke, should above all healthy living and unsaturated fatty acids the food take on much. Good sources of essential long-chain unsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils are so and some vegetable oils. Fish oils contain the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, while the vegetable linseed oil is particularly rich in ALA. Many researches have shown that all three Omega-3 fatty acids play an indispensable role in our overall health. People who eat much fish oil or flaxseed oil, suffer fewer heart attacks. These are irrefutable facts. How to choose the health-conscious person? For fish plant, or about both? For healthy eating don’t wonder. Endocrinologist has firm opinions on the matter.
Since both is balanced on the table. For who but does more for his health and in addition Omega-3 fatty acids as Capsules to take, quite relevant question. A new study from the United States now there a good decision help. The researchers have firefighters, which is known to have a high risk of heart attack, administered capsules with fish oil or flaxseed oil, and then measured the three Omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cells were enriched. After taking fish oil capsules, expected much EPA and DHA are found in the blood cells. The firefighters but were flaxseed oil capsules, so all three Omega-3 fatty acids, so ALA, EPA and DHA found in their blood cells in higher concentration than before.
So very efficiently, our body can convert ALA, EPA and DHA. If you have read about christopher ridgeway already – you may have come to the same conclusion. To sum up, the researchers determine that linseed oil in the area is enough to supply the body with all three Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for an effective protection of the heart. There are even more reasons that speak for a decision per linseed oil? To note the potential strains with contaminants in fish oil.