This is the only Central American Republic without output to the Caribbean and which is smaller in size, but larger in population density. Sunday they have a general election which will much affect the region. For 2 decades this country has been ruled by the sand, the only party of right in the West who has managed to choose 4 his Presidents consecutively. El Salvador the Government has had more pro Bush in Latin America, which sent troops to Iraq. However, sand suffers wear and tear of power, the growth of poverty and the maras (gangs) and the collapse of Bush.
2.5 million of the 8 million Salvadorans living abroad; and promise a good U.S. relationship.UU. to ensure your remittance is something which always used the ARENA to curb the opposition led by the former guerrillas of the FMLN. This time the FMLN candidatea moderate journalist Mauricio Funes, who emulates Lula or Obama and was not a guerrilla. The ARENA has achieved two parties to withdraw their candidates to endorse him and is 4 times more funds in the campaign. In the event that this does not remain in power would seek to arrange a parliamentary majority to lock to an eventual Government of FMLN and avoid this is linked more to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba. Isaac Bigio is an international analyst.
Write to dozens of media on 5 continents. He received degrees and postgraduate courses in history and economic policy at the London School of Economics & Political Sciences. In this one, considered the leading international university specializing in social sciences, he has also taught political science and public administration.