
Although to the people majors usually they are applied the weak and dependent stereotypes to them of of the youngest generations making his decisions, often have a great level of morality, satisfaction of the life and self-esteem. Formerly, the people majors enjoyed great respect (as still it happens in countries like China and Japan), by educative questions or morals and also by interested aspects more, since they were them proprietors goods that they could. This theory is based on the genetic code of each individual. It writes down that it is written in each of our cells when to begin to age, is a signal, that for some families is long and for another short. SAGE may not feel the same. The aging poses a social problem, since like different and important group in the demographic scope, with specific cultural characteristics, I interest own demands the society that its well-being guarantees, carrying out rolls that give sense to their lives, to avoid the marginality, the uprooting, the insecurity, the lack of quality of life and the prejudices, myths and stereotypes, that comprise of the process to age. Butler coined (1973) the term viejismo originating term of English ageism that Salvarezza (1988) translates like viejismo. It says: The viejismo is a set of damages, stereotypes and discriminations that are applied to the old women based on their age. It would consist of defining to the elderly person through a series of denominations negatives that summarize not only the negative attitudes, but the hostile reactions of the individual of any age, but that are imputed to him to the old man, to the oldness or the aging. Butler compares ageism with racism, the sexism and the religious discrimination, but worse because they already bring the children. Butler says that this must to that we cannot conceive ourselves old and who this takes to us not to approach to the old ones with respect, because we do not recognize in them our future.

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