Healing Treatments

What can you do when the body is over-acidified? When the body is over-acidified, can occur following severe disease and painful symptoms. Performing a pain therapy, or even by a special pain treatment, you can alleviate the symptoms though, but without to balance the acidity of the organism, the complaints will not subside in the long term and is probably worse. The most successful you can handle an acidification with therapeutic applications. Here are some suggestions: Purgation with Epsom Salt: Epsom salts is a slightly bitter tasting mineral salt of magnesium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. It is obtained from bitter, a naturally occurring mineral water which is suitable for a laxative drinking cures. To run down, dissolve Epsom salts an a liter quarter of of water a painted TL and drink this mixture SIPs an hour before breakfast.

You should take Epsom salts but no more than 3 days in a row. Detoxifying base inlet: each inlet detoxifies the body and metabolic waste washes out. A base inlet with sodium bicarbonate provides the organism for excess acidity at the same time the bases urgently needed to the neutralization of the acids. You can perform the application itself easily. When you perform an enema with enema device (irrigator) for the first time, it is however recommended to do this along with a medically trained person. The base inlet resolve 3 g sodium bicarbonate (available in pharmacies or from an Internet pharmacy) to of gallons of warm water (30-35 degrees Celsius). You should keep the liquid for at least 15 minutes in the intestine.

Leading off with Sauerkraut juice: drink a liter of Sauerkraut juice throughout the day spread. The first two glasses must be drunk on an empty stomach, after getting up. Not more than 3 days should perform in a row also this kind of exhaustion. Strict fasting: fasting is not only losing the weight and removing it. but particularly well to the deacidification of the body. In a fasting you excreted stored metabolic slag and acids of kidney, lung, intestine and skin in the intestine. Start the fasting in the morning with a colon cleansing. Take an Epsom Salt, or do an enema. While the strict fasting, drink only mild, unsweetened teas and decoctions of vegetables. Take only the broth to itself, not the vegetables. The broth should not normally drink, but take a spoon by spoon. Breakfast and dinner are made of herbal tea. Fennel, anise, lemon balm, Linden flowers, yarrow, dandelion and nettle are especially suitable for detoxification. At noon, there are vegetables decoctions, you should avoid blahendes vegetables, such as cabbage, and abstain from salt.

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