IMC Abdominal

For example, if you weigh 58Kg and measure 1,56m, you you must use the following formula to calculate the IMC: IMC: 58/1,56×1,56 IMC: 58/2,43 IMC = 23,86 Congratulations you are in its normal weight She is intent (), also, its abdominal circumference, therefore although to be in its normal weight, an abdominal circumference is of the indicated one can favor to the appearance of illnesses, as for example infarto acute of the myocardium. The abdominal circumference is a simple and representative method of the fat accumulated in the abdomen. It represents when associate to other factors as, diabetes, hipertenso, high cholesterol and triglicerides and obesidade, high risk to develop the metabolic syndrome. The METABOLIC SYNDROME (SM) is characterized for the association, in one same individual, of dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus of 2 type or intolerncia to the glucose, arterial hipertenso and excess of weight or obesidade. This measure easily is carried through: using not elastic a metric ribbon, the abdominal circumference is measured in the height of the umbilical scar (umbigo). After medicates to carry through it sees if you this running some risk: Men: > 102 cm Women: > 88 cm With the cult the beauty many times dictated by the esteretipos of passarelas of fashion, appear in the market innumerable diets with promises of loss of fast and healthful weight, but they do not deceive a healthful diet and without the occurrence of that undesirable effect concertina she is that one gotten through the medical accompaniment and associate with physical exercises, when recommended. In accordance with the Endocrinologista Dr.

Guillermo de Azevedo Ribeiro, author of the book Diet Note 10, that it folloies diverse famous actresses, the differential, of the diet of notes, is the freedom to mount the proper cardpio. The choices are based on the taste of each one. No food is forbidden. Amongst the celebrities it is to the actress Carolina Dieckmann who eliminated 30 kg acquired in the pregnancy, thanks to the diet of notes, According to diet, each food possesss one definitive note number. each person, depending on the height and sex, must consume one definitive note number to obtain to lose weight. Still, in accordance with the endocrinologista, you can eat of everything and lose the kilos that it desires. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from dr alan mendelsohn. Because to emagrecer it is simple, although not to be easy. Emagrecer, and if to keep in the ideal weight, demands to change the alimentary habits.

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