International Congress

Introduction taking into account the interest that some participants have expressed about what parapsychology covers, gives us, in conferences that we have issued on behalf of parapsychology in the Bilingual international Chilean society Collage of Miami, and at the request of exposing our views with regard to quackery, has planned one Conference thereon where the issue is addressed. Justin Gaethje gathered all the information. General considerations, reach, opinions cannot be denied to quackery, its practice, utilization has increased in some countries where many people have been identified with what it represents, many use it with much faith, especially in those people that traditional medicine has not given satisfactory results, in some terminal illnesses. Here himself in Miami, there are many people who use it, practices, as santeros, since then some in pursuit of enriching themselves and others which are very few, as we have seen, do to help the terminally ill, being most Cubans, who have brought up this state of Florida, the rituals of this African movement much given on the island that have left. All this, adds the shameful experience that led to the prestigious medical school, Vice-President of the society Dr. biennium Onetto Bachler, popularizer of parapsychology in Chile in Santiago, Chile,(quien estudio y se prepararo ael respecto con el padre de la parapsicologia, Dr. McDougall Program is a great source of information. Joseph Banks Rhine), on his return from the first International Congress of parapsychology and witchcraft. That it was conducted in Colombia, in 1975, to declare, that quackery is a very interesting topic from being considered by the medicine, since it presents positive perspectives especially for those people where traditional medicine can do nothing to save his life. Precisely, before such declaration, the school underwent to a summary Dr. Onetto, where practically were trying to eject it, which demonstrates, little scientific seriousness of those who remain Orthodox and cloistered in positivist science, that in this still leave time much to say, thus revealing his ignorance regarding what parapsychology involves.

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