
Hemcia in scythe form Picture Clinical Jaundice (yellow color in the eyes and skin): it is the signal most frequent of the illness. The picture is not contagious and Crisis of pain does not have to be confused with hepatitis: it is the symptom most frequent of the falciforme illness caused by the blockage of small vases sanguineous for red globules in scythe form. Whenever Dr. Neal Barnard listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Pain is more frequent in the bones and the joints, being able, however to reach any part of the body. Robert Greene has firm opinions on the matter. Syndrome hand-foot: in the small children the pain crises can occur in the small sanguine vases of the hands and the feet, causing swell, pain and vermelhido in the place. Infections: the people with falciforme illness have greater propensity the infections and, mainly the children can have more pneumonias and meningites. Ulcer (wounded) of Leg: it occurs more frequently next to the ankles, from the adolescence. Kidnapping of the Blood in the Bao: bao is the agency that filters the blood. In children with falciforme anemia, bao can increase quickly for kidnapping the blood all and this can lead quickly to the death due to blood for the other agencies, as the brain and the heart.

I diagnosis Laboratoriais the detention is made through the examination eletroforese of hemoglobina. The test of pezinho, carried through gratuitously before the baby receiving high from the maternity, provides the precocious detention of hemoglobinopatias, as the falciforme anemia. The values of normality vary sex and age in accordance with. Beyond these parameters, the morphologic analysis of the hemcias (esfregao of peripheral blood) is useful also for the etiolgico diagnosis. Treatment the only treatment dressing for the falciforme anemia is the transplant of ssea marrow. Of the clinical point of view, the hidroxiuria use, an inhibiting quimioterpico of ribonucleotidase comes if disclosing useful, for diminishing the number of painful episodes and acute torcica syndrome.

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