
The results of the treatment of the pneumonia must it the appropriate antibiotic administration, that its etiology can be made it difficult when is not known, and mainly its rotinizados prevention and cares. It must also be considered the affirmations of Chor, Klein, Marzochi (1990), that they guarantee that about 30% of the total of the infections they are you prevented, being called prevenveis infections, related generally to the use of equipment or used specific procedures of errnea and/or not aseptic form. is in this possibility of prevention that the health team, together with the CCIH has the main one to have to act, with correct and systemize actions. Evidence of the risk factors associates PAVM the mortality of this pathology can be reduced by the identification of the factors of risk and its prevention. Carrilho (1998), in its mestrado thesis of, determines that the incidence and the mortality of the PAVM are directly on to the factors: bigger age that 45 years; malnutrition; tobaccoism; alcoholism; use of corticoesterides; shock presence; antecedent of chronic obstrutiva illness; imunodepresso or imunossupresso; burnt; politraumatismos; traqueostomia; use of nosoenteral sounding lead (SNE) and drugs H2 chokes; previous antibiotic use; time of VM superior the nine days, among others. The election of interventions for one program of prevention of the PAVM depends on the individual evaluation of the patients, the available resources (material and human) and of the ability of the team to act in agreement with the program, to prevent the occurrence of settling of the aerodigestivo treatment and the secretion aspiration contaminated for the VAIN inferiors, who are the two main factors for patognese of the PAVM. The aspiration of the bacteria primarily of orofaringe and some times of refluxo gastric are the routes most important of the infection. In these patients, the draining of bacteria around of ' ' cuff' ' of the endotraqueal pipe, associate with local trauma and traqueal inflammation, increase the settling and make it difficult the elimination of secretions of the inferior respiratory treatment.

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