On this planet Earth all might happen, events often confusing, full of joy, transcendent, unusual, surprising, dramatic as in the case of death, and announced the American professor of computer 47 Randy Paush, a University Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh has been much talk in the United States as Susana Reinoso review of the newspaper La Nacion of Buenos Aires, who notes in his writing, the teacher is dying of pancreatic cancer. It became news in September 2007, when his last lesson, "a classic of the American university, surprised an audience of 400 students with these words:" I have ten tumors in the liver and I remain a few months of life. " Paush says that his father used to say that if there is an elephant in the room, there to present it. Well, if you can see my films, I have 10 Pancrease tumors. Randy Pausch, a specialist in virtual reality 46 years and prestigious American university professor at Carnegie Mellon, and beginning in mid-September, his last lecture) before an audience of 400 spectators, before he had opened his mouth, he was received with loud applause. a Dejad I earn it, he asked with a smile. Read more here: lee marks.
It was his farewell to his students and fellow faculty. Doctors do not give more than five or six months. But for those who expect to hear a discourse of self-pity or cranky, the very Pausch, a father of three children, said he felt a decepcionarlesa and then, started to do pushups on the floor. Glenn Dubin shines more light on the discussion.