Mello Body

The Brazilian Society of Psicomotricidade (2010) defines the same one as one ' ' science that has as study object the man through its body in movement and relation to its internal and external world. He is related to the maturation process, where the body is the origin of the cognitivas acquisitions, affective and organic. He is supported by three basic knowledge: the movement, the intellect and afeto' '. From all these years if dedicating the studies, research and telling cases that this science, the Psicomotricidade, comes growing in its three great sources: the re-education, second, Meur (1991), ' ' it is directed for children who suffer from instrumental disturbances (difficulties or delays psicomotores) ' ' ; in agreement therapy Mello (2002), ' ' being indicated for children with great disturbances and whose adaptation and of origin neurolgica' ' ; the education for Meur (1991), has as objective the psicomotor development of the child with purpose of leads-there to dominate the proper body and to acquire voluntary movements. Psicomotricidade beyond having these sources, inside of these if finds two lines, being the one Functionary and to another Relationary one.

any one of them has its followers, thinkers and researchers. With respect to functionary the objective is to improve the corporal and physical development, as much how much if they had placed as prerequisite for learning of the writing and the reading, recommending tests of evaluation, disgnostic and lapsing of exercises for development of the different corporal abilities, and the work of the functional conception if bases on the beddings psicomtores (ALMEIDA & TAVARES, 2010). In accordance with Machado and Tavares (2010) in a generalized manner the objective Functional Psicomotricidade the corporal inteirao so that the child or the citizen gets in accordance with to reach the global development for intervention of the work of certain beddings specific psicomotores the necessities and particularitities of each one. .

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