Who wish to spend their vacations in the high mountain, they will not have difficulty in finding a hotel of Mendoza near the zone of Uspallata, one of the tourist destinies more interesting of the Argentine Republic. Locality of Uspallata offers great amount of places extremely interesting, full of beauties natural, where the testimony of the ancestral towns that inhabited the region, like the Incas and huerpes can be observed. One of the most beautiful and incredible places is the Bridge of the Inca. She is one rocky formation that the flame thus because it comprised of the Route of the Inca, that is to say, the map course that followed these towns in their advance towards the south of the American continent. We are speaking of a natural bridge on the river the Caves, to more than 27 meters of height. Its formation was originated in the natural erosion of the river on the stone, to more than 2,700 meters of altitude. This natural connection unites hills North Little flag and South Little flag, and is the main entrance to the National Park Aconcagua.
For the lovers of geology, in the zone stalactites of strange colors due to inflorescencia of calcium can be observed, mineral that abounds in the place. Prevcalecen the orange, the yellow and ocher. It is a very rich place in thermal waters. In this locality they only inhabit 132 inhabitants, although one complete infrastructure can be tourist. Who wishes to visit this incredible place will not have problem in finding lodging, or sites to encamp. As rest of a glorious past Bridge of the Inca, constructed can be given the ruins of the Hotel in 1925.
This fantastic hotel counted on a thermal bath in each room. In 1905 an avalanche fell destroyed that it completely. Being only one small chapel still on. It says the legend that the heir to the throne Inca was extremely ill, being paralyzed completely. No matter how hard the doctors of the tribe tried to alleviate the health of the young person, the wise people said to him that only he could manage to recover if he bathed in a spring that was very far from its home. Without thinking twice the Inca armed one expedition to find this mythical stream. Finally they went to give with the river the Caves. The soldiers who accompanied the monarch formed a human bridge so that the father could take to his son until the sanadora water. Once there was cruzado, return occurred to thank for its men, but it saw that they had become stone, forming the mentioned bridge. When the young person submerged in this water, miraculously she recovered his health. You also recover your health happening your next vacations in Mendoza, the Earth of the sun and the good wine.