Olive Oil – Wooden Butter

The first mention of the evergreen tree leave in remote antiquity. In the fifth millennium BC, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean that were the ancestors of present-day Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, cultivated olive. Of fruit this wonderful tree, they got an excellent oil, which is then eaten. Based on olive oil produced different balms to promote healing. The leaves of the tree did infusion, which contained a large amount Oleuropein, successfully lowers blood pressure. Mediterraneans have learned to soak and stand in a special solution olives, because fresh fruit and bitter olive tree is not good. Recipes olives were everywhere and kept her in the deepest secrecy.

But the main product derived from olives, of course – olive oil. The ancient Greeks called it liquid gold. So far, archaeologists have found off the coast of Mediterranean special amphorae, which have carried oil. The whole secret of these vessels was that they were bottom of the cone. This was done in order to not waste time to unload the ship, you can simply plug in coastal sand, thus saving time for unloading.

In ancient Rome, believed that a person can do without guilt, but can not do without the olive oil. Besides the fact that olive oil can bring the human body great benefit, as it serves as a fuel. It is composed of triglycerides, saturated fatty acids, which are under high temperature do not form a gummy substance, thereby supporting combustion. Again recall ancient Rome. To advertise the coming of the enemy's observation towers were built. Each tower was equipped with a cup of olive oil. When the threat of oil in the bowl lit and the observer from the other tower, seeing light signal, setting fire to oil. So the chain in the shortest possible time came news of the impending attack. In everyday life, used oil to fuel lamps. Lamps, filled with oil, have been mentioned in the Old Testament. "This offerings, which ye shall take from them … the oil for the lamps, spices for anointing oil … and led the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light to burn a lamp at all times "(Exodus, 27:20). In Russia, beginning with the holy Prince Vladimir, there is a custom zateplyat lamp in front of icons, who joined us along with the Orthodox faith from the Byzantine Empire. The Greek spelling of the olive tree and its fruit the same way. Therefore, the translation of the Greek was the same, the olive tree – a tree. As a consequence of the name – "wood oil." It can be concluded: wooden butter – olive oil. Since the days of Moses, lamp oil, used as sacrifices to the Lord, was and remains the highest quality. To this day, remains a tradition for the holidays to give gifts to the Orthodox – namely, refined olive oil. Therefore, the Orthodox people give to friends and lamp oil close, make donations lamp oil Temple. Lighting the lamp, always remember the warmth of the people who have presented to you as a gift lamp oil. And following the commandments of God, we tried that we would always burn lamp – a victim of our Lord.

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