Order Rospotrebnadzor

Under the certification system to understand the set of the participants of certification, offering it by the rules established in this system. In types of certificates: certificate of compliance (in particular, issued in the course of mandatory certification, as discussed above), the sanitary-epidemiological conclusions, fire certificate, a certificate for quality management system, exemption letter, etc. For example, the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (SEZ), or a health certificate – a document certifying the conformity of products, works or services to the public sanitary-epidemiological rules and standards. Is issued by (formerly ) after the examination on the basis of the test and submitted documents. There are three types of SEZ: product (valid 5 years), the type of activity (unlimited) and the technical documentation (including unlimited).

The range of products and individual activities to be sanitary-epidemiological expertise, approved by Order from 21.11.2005 776. Along with a certificate by him may be issued an application specifying the position of the main document. For example, at the request of Consumer proplex window profile in the annex to the certificate for these goods has been expanded scope language production. Earlier in the paper indicated that the profile is applied in accordance with the requirements of snip 11/03/1979. That wording raised questions among many consumers and demanded an explanation. The company went to meet his partner and get the conclusion of the certification body that has a clear statement about the possibility of application profile proplex for residential, medical and child care centers, schools, etc.

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