Remember that each different circumstance may require a different approach. There is always a good idea to use the same coach when working in different areas of your life. A good coach is not necessarily going to be a successful coach of a basketball team or a group of baseball players. And the same is true for a personal trainer. While many coaches are sold as "integral" in its approach, most have one or two areas that focus on more than others. You can find a coach who is very good to help entrepreneurs in the art of selling, another that specializes in creating healthy lifestyles, and a third who works almost exclusively with people who have attention deficit disorder.
Certainly, one size does not fit all, in this case. Be sure to select someone who is experienced in their particular area of need – not be afraid to ask for references from customers who have worked with similar technical issues. Personality Coaching is often a long and close relationship – will share their innermost fears, dreams and ambitions with another person and asks a critical attitude and non-support (which is what many of us do with our friends and family!) You must feel a relationship with your coach, or never reach the level of success that could be available to you. If you feel constantly on guard or resistant or uncomfortable, consider using a different coach. You can tell a lot about their future relationship with a coach from their first interview – How can this person make you feel? Would you be comfortable sharing their secrets with this person? Do you have any problems in working with this coach? CREDENTIALS While coaching is still a relatively unregulated field, there are some standard certifications you may want your coach to have.