Psychological Defenses

A person unknowingly takes decision to deny all these feelings of detention, ie, displace them. Unconsciously decide what defense he used in the future (projection, a fantasy of grandeur, splitting ), what strategy is most effective for maintaining the effect of psychological defense and give confidence that the conscious perception would be limited only enjoyable. As far as you can see, the process of psychological defense is rather complicated and every time it comes to what is awareness of the need to avoid some unpleasant feelings. Here you can say this, that the explicit wishes, the ones I understand, those that seem meaningful to me are always accompanied by implicit (hidden) unconscious emotions. These differentiated protection processes prevent direct confrontation with conflict and make it more difficult to make informed decisions.

Speaking about the processes psychological defenses in cases of psychopathology, it may be noted that certain trends, which we choose within ourselves, do not allow us to more or less decent life, ie mechanisms for the protection of steel pathological. These trends, in this case are strong enough, and we thus we have not enough to ignore them. Explicit experiences, behaviors are the consequence and the expression of unconscious processes. The task of the consultant is how to realize their own mechanisms of psychological defenses, for which there is a proper analysis, intervision, but in addition, the therapist must recognize and protect the client. Analyst must constantly ask ourselves: “what are the consequence of the explicit action of unconscious processes? And how, using his or that behavior, condition, I can not support their own tendencies psihologichekoy protection and trends in the patient? “Working with this attitude transfer, when seen, this trend is linked to unconscious manifestations of trends in customer demands great knowledge and experience.

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