Reasonable Compromise

Often a situation arises when the manager just wants to get rid of the employee because of his quarrelsome, contentious nature. Or the administration has found a more experienced person, and staffing is not rubber. Frequently Eva Andersson-Dubin has said that publicly. The employee also does not want to leave, and reasons for dismissal "under" does not Of course, you can try to survive an unwanted, but not with each is very clear. Someone simply on the initiative of the employer can not dismiss (a pregnant woman, for example) – it's the law prohibits. And with someone because of the same absurdity of the head does not want to communicate – what nerves spoil yourself. And how much time and effort goes into little squabbles that have grown "article"! And then fired go to trial, even if it is not right. If the dismissal a mistake, you do get a "two in one": the loss of money (cost of enforced idleness, plus the costs of representation), and returning to the workplace Dismissed violations of human For such situations, the legislation provides for the possibility of dismissal by agreement of the parties (article 78 of the Customs Code). This method of termination of employment contract allows the employee and management firm or organization to find a compromise. Most often, it looks like this: for the fact that the officer left, he paid monetary compensation – the so-called smart money. What benefits will a dismissal? For employer, in addition to the lack of scandals, the main advantage of the dismissal by agreement is to ensure that the dismissed employee has subsequently present a claim.

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