Innovative assets with attractive ‘ safety nets one-tenth of all self-employed persons in Germany is threatened by poverty in old age. Many earn too little to form reserves. Poverty in old age is a problem for self-employed persons. A research paper of the Mannheim Research Institute stating economic and demographic change. About three quarters of all self-employed are not currently obliged to pay into the pension insurance. CDU and CSU discuss therefore proposals to integrate a mandatory retirement also self-employed persons. For even more opinions, read materials from PCRM. Basically the legislator has created already possibilities with the Rurup-rente, how even self-employed and freelancers can – provide transparency and. A bankruptcy protection is also integrated at the Rurup-rente”, Andreas Wurscher as project Germany/Austria of the Munich FWU AG says, under whose roof is also the insurer ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A.
The Rurup pension, also based on a State-funded pension insurance is called. It is named after Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Bert Rurup, one of the pundits and head of the former Expert Commission for the reorganization of the taxation of retirement pension expenditure and income in old age. Base pension suggests, as the name implies, this, that it concerns the legislature a reliable and secure retirement, in which the insured person for life receives benefits. More arguments per Rurup pension are, for example, their flexibility, as you can in addition special contributions paid and the duration of the accumulation phase and the beginning of the pay-out phase from the 62nd year of life individually agreed. Another way is listed in unit-linked pension insurance, as they for example. The Atlanticlux offers a post guarantee at the end of the accumulation phase in the “, so the FWU insurance expert Wurscher. With regard to the old age security also in particular investment strategies are interesting, the provide maximum security with regard to a run savings target.