Currently, the modern, active, successful women can not afford to disrupt the rhythm of life for rehabilitation after radical methods of rejuvenation and elimination of defects of skin and body. But to be in harmony with themselves and look your best wishes to everyone. The unique technique Thermage based on radio frequency radiation can achieve the effect of a deep facelift is for one procedure and requires no recovery period. Procedure conducted using the apparatus ThermCool. Thanks to him, in the processing of an electric field. Charged particles in it repeatedly change their direction. Their movement prevents the natural resistance of fabrics, for a parity it is that promote the temperature in the deeper layers. Heated inside the skin is exposed to the cooling of the surface due to sputtering machine coolant.
Such a double effect deep heating and surface cooling provides strengthening and thickening, contraction of collagen fibers. In addition, the formation of new collagen during the six months after the procedure fixes and enhances the transformation of the skin. Radiation exposure may be the face and body of man. Thermage face reduces the nasolabial wrinkles, forehead wrinkles eyes, strengthens and tightens the neck and adjusts the shape of the face, removes bags under eyes. In the area of the body Thermage is effective to tighten the abdominal skin with weight loss after delivery or eliminates the appearance of cellulite, tightens skin and tones it. Often used in the forearms, buttocks, inner thighs. With ThermCool achieve the ideal safe and easy.