Identification of Coliformes using the Technique of the Multiple Pipes). 3. RESULTS: The density of coliformes is express as Most likely Nmero (NMP) of coliformes for 100 mL, follows the pictures demonstrating the results gotten in in agreement research the table of the NMP. NASCENTENASCENTE (Conforme NMP) COLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAISCOLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAIS 000000000000 (Picture 1. Results of fecais and total coliformes in the spring of the lake). SULESTESULESTE (Conforme NMP) COLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAISCOLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAIS 22032021240 (Picture 2. Results of fecais and total coliformes in the medium part of the lake).
LAGOLAGO (Conforme NMP) COLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAISCOLIFORMES TOTAISCOLIFORMES FECAIS 32023193 – (Picture 3. Results of fecais and total coliformes in the lake). 4. QUARREL AND CONCLUSION according to Infer carried through studies that the water of the Lake of the City Occidental person is not in perfect conditions for leisure of the population. The analysis was of presumptive character and therefore if it cannot affirm that the results total trustworthy must to some occured imperfections during the collection and analysis. The water is the more important natural resources, therefore it must be concern of common citizens, political party, of the medias of governmental mass, institutions and not governmental and at the same time a question of ethics, politics, economic, society, culture, that is, is a problem of the humanity.
5 For more necessary results will be necessary the mobilization of the population together with the representations politics of the city, to carry through more complex studies, and to take attitudes to fight the pollution of this good that the city possesss, so that all can usufruct without are displayed to no type of contamination. 5. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1 Available in: 2 Territorial Division of Brazil and Territorial Limites. Institute Brazilian of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) July of 2008.) 3 4 SOUZA, H.B. ; DERISIO, J.C. Guide technician of collection of water samples. So Paulo: CETESB, 1977. P. 8 – 9. 5 WOOD, Rogrio. Caracterizao and Revitalizao Of the Spring Of the Biquinha In the Bromlias Quarter? Timteo? Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte?