When one has problems of hemorrhoids, must have notions that do not worsen their situation, because the hemorrhoids usually evolve:-If we make too much effort while we are in the toilet, or if we are positioned with pressure in the rectum, usually grow in and out of their place, what they call hemorrhoids prolapsadas. -If our constipation is constant we tend to hurt the hemorrhoid, break the epithelium that protects the and they tend to have rectal, or more known as bleeding hemorrhoids. -In a normal bleeding, one of the major components involved for healing have the thrombi, which are like bricks to taponean the wound to stop her bleeding and dangerous step of microorganism. More information is housed here: stone clinical laboratories. When hemorrhoids bleeding is constant, the thrombus often put in hemorrhoids, but people who don’t take care of your problem are prone to breakage hemorrhoid again and again, the constant torture of these wounds cause hemorrhoids to swell with this component epoxy acrylate resin until it is hard, then calling thrombosed hemorrhoids. AND the only solution is the removal of hemorrhoids, because already you can not reduce le size. To care for hemorrhoids that not is prolapsen, we must not make efforts to defecate, apply some liquid with oily consistency to his easy fall during the evacuation, and the gentle exercise helps proper functioning of our body. Without hesitation Dr. Neal Barnard explained all about the problem. To care for bleeding hemorrhoids, you must perform a fiber-rich diet, avoid certain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (excess consumption produces bleeding), eating foods with vitamin k, and avoid spicy, salty food, alcohol and coffee, usually produce swelling and itching. Following all bleeding hemorrhoid care avoid having hemorrhoid thrombosed, complementing them with adequate asepsis and the use of remedies with herbal infusions and sitz bath helps to cure your hemorrhoid problem.. . For more information see this site: stone clinical laboratories.