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The Studies

Therefore studies exist that they aim at to corroborate or to refute its effectiveness. Not obstante the validity of these studies easily is contested by being, many times, affected for the personal belief of the researchers or, simply, for having low metodolgica quality. Fracking facts has plenty of information regarding this issue. In more, the majority of the studies of metodolgica quality really confirmed, refutes the homeopatia or is, summarily, inconclusivos. The questioning of the metodologica quality of the majority of the studies that corroborate the homeopatia can seem preconception, but considering that practical its more than occurs the one hundred years, was of if waiting more resulted certifying its effectiveness with studies made with really solid methodology and for people that they aim at, desesperadamente not to base its faith on the same one. Exactly not counting on scientific endorsement, many people can certify the effectiveness of this specialty of the alternative medicine for the beneficial effect who had obtained in proper experience.

However, these beneficial effect easily are explained by the natural regression of the disease or by the call effect placebo that the faith of the person occurs when, in determined treatment, it impels the psychological one of the same one to limit the illness. Although the apparent effectiveness of the homeopatia to be explained easily by the effect placebo, some could arguir the favor saying that the use of it, of any form, would culminate in the improvement of the sick person. This, however, can be dangerous in face the severe illnesses whose limitation does not depend solely on the psychological one of the patient, deluding people who only would have Real improvement possibility using itself of the traditional medicine or, as some like to call, of the alopathy. Finishing, the homeopatia although to get resulted positive in some situations, it lacks of any real scientific basement, making that its use, as medical treatment does not deserve acceptance of what placebos better. Beyond its presumptions beneficial effect to easily be able to be atribuidos to other phenomena that not it, the few research that corroborates its effect dressing, lacks of good methodology it eou sufficiently are affected by the personal beliefs of the researchers. Soon if it does not have to change the alopathy for the homeopatia.

Propagation Of Plants

FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF the RECNCAVO OF the BAHIA CENTER OF AGRARIAN, AMBIENT SCIENCES AND BIOLOGICAL CROSS CAMPUSES OF the SOULS PROPAGATION OF Profa.GIRLENE PLANTS SAINTS DE SOUZA INTRODUCTION the study of the propagation of plants presents three aspects. In first place, in operations such as the enxertia or the preparation of props, demand the knowledge of certain manipulations and abilities techniques that require certain experience and time to acquire themselves. This aspect can be considered as ' the art of propagao'. In according to place, to have success in the propagation, if the knowledge needs the structure and the mechanisms of growth of the plants. This if can say that it constitutes ' science of propagao'. Josyann Abisaab pursues this goal as well. The spreader can acquire part of this information in empirical way when working with the proper plants, but it must be completed with formal courses of botany, horticulture, genetics and vegetal physiology.

This knowledge helps the spreader to understand because of the things that make, to execute them better and to solve problems unexpected. One third requirement to be to have success in the propagation of plants, is to know the diverse classrooms of them and some methods with that they can spread. To a large extent, the used method must be adjusted to the classroom of plant that if propagates and to the conditions where if it carries through. The propagation of plants is a basic occupation of the humanity. Probably the civilization if initiated when the old man learned to sow and to cultivate certain types of plants that satisfied its nutritional necessities and of its animals. In the measure where it advanced the civilization, it was adding to the diversity of plants other cultivos, not only nourishing, but also those that provided flowers, medicines, leisure and ornamentao to it. The improvement of the plants at the time current was preceded by a great progress in the election of the same ones.

State Agents

The efficiency of the action of alquilantes agents already was studied by molecular modeling and other studies of rational planning. These studies evidence the correlation in the distance enter to intramolecular in the distance of the eletroflicos centers of these alquilantes agents and of the nitrogenados nucleotdicos nucleoflicos centers. However, NH2), sulfidrila ( SH) and hidroxila ( OH) in other biological molecules, also alquilvel, explains the toxic effect of these agents (Almeida et al., 2005). The alquilantes agents are antineoplsicos pioneers, therefore, in 1942, the alquilante agent type nitrogenada mustard (mecloretamina) was used successfully to induce transitory tumoral remission in a carrying patient of linfomas. This event marked the beginning of the modern age of chemotherapy of cancer (Rajski and Williams, 1998) .2.4. Complexes metlicosO study of metallic complexes for use in the chemotherapy had great impulse after the discovery of the antitumorais properties of the cis-diaminodicloroplatina (II), cis Pt (NH3) 2Cl2, comumente called ‘ ‘ cisplatina’ ‘ same molecular formula, being that only in 1893 Werner it considered to be the two isomeric composites: the complex of Reiset corresponded to the isomer trans and of cis Peyrone to the form (Sources et al, 2005).

However, the antitumorais composite properties I contend platinum alone had been discovered more than a century after the description of composites of Reiset and Peyrone. In the end of the decade of 60, Barnet Rosenberg, a physicist, then working in the University of the State of Michigam, in the United States, looked for to study the effect of the electric field in a culture of Escherichia bacteria coli (Sources et al, 1997). Rosenberg observed that the cellular division was inhibited, and during the process, the cells of E. coli, as they could not be divided, grew forming prolongated filaments.

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