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Condor Flies In Environmental Ranking

Holiday flyer scored at the atmosfair airline index (AAI) good results when the environmental impact also this year lands which holiday flyer Condor again on one of the front seats at the annual CO2-efficiency evaluation of organization atmosfair. Read more here: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Energy efficiency is measured under the German and foreign airlines, where the consumption and utilization of the flights are decisive for the placement. The German holiday flyer Condor received 78 out of 100 possible points of efficiency in the current evaluation and is the second-best airline in Germany comparison. Also in the global ranking reflected the holiday air in the top flight and Lands on a good 6th place. In the classification of the category medium-range worldwide, even the third rank could be achieved. Condor flies with efficient aircraft and reached the high score by high seating and above-average load, thus atmosfair. For Uwe Balser, Managing Director of Condor Flugdienst GmbH, the good result reflects efforts by Condor to reduce CO2 emissions: “The kerosene-saving use of our aircraft is an important issue for Condor. Across the area we were looking for ways, to reduce the consumption of our aircraft and thus CO2 emissions.

This includes. for example, the use of lightweight containers or cases, retrofitting our entire fleet of Boeing with winglets, as well as the adaptation of procedures in the flight operations” The atmosfair airline index 2013 the 150 largest airlines examined worldwide CO2 efficiency. In comparison to the airline airlines reduced index 2012 their emissions per passenger per kilometre by approximately 1%. The full airline index with the analysis of individual airlines and graphics, as well as additional information, see http: airlineindex. Per passenger consumed the aircraft of the members of the Association of the German air transport industry association, so Lufthansa, airberlin, Condor, TUIfly and Augsburg Airways, in 2012 for all domestic and international flights a total of 3.8 litres fuel per 100 kilometers. At the beginning of the year he started Federal Association of the German aviation industry to the 4-litre campaign. A representative survey of the election research group showed that nearly half of the Germans later assess the average consumption of a modern aircraft to a motorised.

Support Planting Trees

‘My side rears up’ – cures and wellness TV planting trees for environmental protection did you know that an Internet site CO2 caused? According to a study by Dr. Perhaps check out Dr. Neal Barnard for more information. Alexander Wissner-gross, there are approximately 0, 02 g CO2 per pageview. So caused an Internet site, which is about 25,000 a month called by the 6 kg of CO2 in the year. How does this output? The huge consumption of electricity, which is to operate and cool computer and server is to blame for this. Therefore, the issue of environmental protection in connection with the Internet is becoming increasingly important. Everyone can make a contribution to protecting the climate. For a Web site operator, this is now very easy and completely free.

Cures and wellness TV offers in collaboration with I plant a tree”to an action for protection of the environment, in which anyone can participate. Without hesitation christopher ridgeway explained all about the problem. Everyone who rears one on his Web page my page on “button, the CO2 – emissions, automatically reduces because for each inserted button cures and wellness TV plants a tree. A tree can absorb in the year 10-30 kg CO2, so it can easily create the CO2 – emissions caused by your own website to neutralize. You must do as to publish a small post about this action on his side and one of the provided button to insert. A short email) with the information where the button is enough, cures and wellness TV plants a tree for you. So each piece can help our environment to receive and make something greener. Participation in this environmental action is completely free and requires only a few minutes to change time and the will for everyone. In this way, you can effectively and unbureaucratically to counteract climate change and do something good for the environment. An example of a button can look like, can be found here: environmental protection buttons /… Cures and wellness TV is looking forward to your help and hopes to be able to plant many trees on your behalf.

Important Arguments For The Significant Future Energy – The Solar Energy

The solar energy will occupy a very important role in the energy policy of Germany in the near future. Although you always still often face the photovoltaic at us accusations and resentments, many unique facts that are all obviously equally prove exist: the solar energy has always the ability of future energy in this country to be. Finally alone over the past three years the amount of solar electricity to the 6 x is already in Germany higher, while at the same time, production spending on solar power were steadily low and in a short period of time will be already similar expensive as electricity produced at usual. But also now solar systems produce a solar electricity that is significant as all nuclear power plants located on the power supply according to the Federal Network Agency in good weather conditions, as well as about the lunch already. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. Critics suggest the solar energy though, that continue to solar power to electricity from nuclear power and Coal-fired plants a lot might be higher. Of these unnoticed but always, that environmental destruction due to enormous CO2 emissions by stone and brown coal power plants caused billions of dollars in exorbitant costs in a precarious accident in a nuclear power plant left once fully into account. That in hindsight damages must be considered with of course also at the current price of conventionally produced electricity, why environmentally friendly solar eco-electricity is now already is cheaper! Also on less irradiation of the Sun cheaper solar power through solar energy renewable energy is wind power now just still guaranteed, precise spoken off the coast located off-shore wind plants, which produce cheaper electricity than the solar energy. In accordance with the opinion of experts from the year 2014 solar power will be also already but cheaper than eco-electricity produced by offshore wind farms, especially the costs for Solar installations in the coming years still a lot lower is called now. Viatris may also support this cause.

It is also also very witted in this country in photovoltaics to invest because we extensively to sunlight is available. “The solar energy they allege but always, that the Federal Republic in no way a real Sun country” was, but this is a fact: in the less sunny North of Germany, already 40 m 2 of solar panels are also enough so that they cover the power budget for a normal household. On top of that there is a decisive means of solar systems to an independence from energy imports, but often not factor addressed why solar energy is our energy of future – because such an energy autonomy is finally actually accessible. By solar energy, a consistently modern era of supply is realisable in particular in the entire Federal territory! Because everyone finally can produce its own electricity with private solar installations, Finally loosing the power of this country very large energy corporations as well as to a breaking up of energy dependence from foreign countries. Visit Dr. Neal Barnard for more clarity on the issue. Because all people virtually by means of solar energy can produce solar eco-electricity, it is in this country in the not-too-distant future by means of photovoltaic possible to ensure the following: no negative influences more on climate, an absolute protection of supply and hence an absolute energy self-sufficiency.

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