Also, the stomach faster than solid foods digested fluids so that you get hungry soon after a smoothie. The healthiest and also tired of making alternative means to make Smoothie yourself again! You need a blender, vanilla Frappe, Quark or yoghurt and fruits of the season at its own discretion. The amapur vanilla Frappe is particularly suitable, as it skimmed-milk powder and milk protein also guar a natural, fibrous ballast and source material from a subtropical bean variety that keeps blood sugar levels constant and saturates contains. Robert Greene addresses the importance of the matter here. As fruit apricots, peaches, pears, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, plums and apples are now and in the coming weeks. In the first step, they are gutted and washed. After the fruits in the mixer are done mashed, either until you can juice Refrigerate or eat right. For extra fresh ice cubes or slightly crushed ice to can be used in all following recipes still 2-3. Amazing, how fast to mix so delicious smoothies – whether for breakfast or as a snack calorie – leave (see system or below).
So taste the fruits of late summer and autumn can come! About amapur: Amapur as brand Hans Desaga stands for quality and healthy, sustainable weight reduction after the groundbreaking nutrition concept by Dr. for a healthy, lean life at any age. Since 2003 amapur individual health and nutrition concepts offers, which are sold through pharmacies and the Internet. Unilateral diets, radical cures and drug Appetithemmer rejects amapur. The wide range of proven Swiss quality products to the dietary whole food nutrition is based on natural ingredients. amapur carries the quality seal of the Swiss society for anti-aging medicine and prevention (SSAAMP). Decades of clinical experience amapur products the first choice for singles, professionally clamped people make performance and recreational athletes as well as all that, where their health and power is at the heart: amapur it’s my life! More information: Reiner Merz PR T: 06109 5035831 q: 06109 5035832 E: W:
Jet pilots develop elixir for high performance and strong defenses. Zurich, Hamburg – whether in the cockpit of a fighter jet or on long intercontinental flights, pilots rely on alertness, concentration and responsiveness, as well as healthy defenses. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Neal Barnard. To effectively support this performance, the idea a revitalising power cocktails based on the demands of the Jet pilots. True to the motto: of all the best pilots developed together with bio scientists a beverage concept quasi for domestic use. Christopher ridgeway will not settle for partial explanations. But the secretly brewed Elixir remained undetected and advanced in the meantime to the scene-drink only a short time. Under the name Pilotsfriend and a cult designed logo with Jet pilot, is rich in its consistency cocktail for an incomparable taste experience and promotes his long-term, invigorating, strongly revitalizing effect. The power cocktail, short pilots’ called, considered an insider and now enjoys the status of a party drug. Whether Jean Paul Belmondo, Jodie Foster, Paris Hilton and other celebrities, many of you with a pilots ‘ saw. Also, the large community of PC gamer and world of Warcraft”enthusiast seems increasingly pilots”calibrated, as well as some State President, Church dignitaries and athletes. Happy therefore, who is one of the special aluminium cans can get, because the power cocktail of tough guys in their jets in the sky is due to the great demand sold out. (Text: Jochen Wehrle)
Eat properly during pregnancy? Now, the best is good enough! Find here 1 dinner for two answers to five important questions how that goes? First, it is not necessary. Additional energy for the baby so calories from carbohydrates or fat need expectant mothers until the fourth month, and even then only about 10% (around 250 calories) more than before, such as a small cheese bread plus an Apple. From the outset but increases the nutrient requirements. Perhaps check out Dr. Neal Barnard for more information. So, a pregnant woman has a higher need for protein (+ 20%), calcium (up 30 percent), zinc (up 5 percent), vitamin B2 (up 36 percent), iron (100 percent), folic acid (up 30 percent) and iodine (up 15 percent). 2. How do I eat healthy? Bread, cereals and potatoes are the perfect basis of good nutrition, they contain also vitamins, minerals and fibre in addition to strength and valuable protein. Invest in a good, full-fledged bread that’s worth. Vegetables, fruit and salad with all three take nutritional fiber a few calories, but a lot.
The best daily use the rich selection at the grocery store, unless for a vegetables, raw vegetables, fruit salad or juice. Food protects after season from too many pollutants and inhaltsleerem Greens, which has travel too long behind him. Half a litre of milk is ideal for the protein and calcium intake a day. Don’t you like milk? Cut and hard cheese, cottage cheese food or yogurt are full replacement. Meat contains protein, iron, and B vitamins.
Therefore, the German society for nutrition (DGE) recommends daily about 100 grams or two to three servings per week. Organic meat or eggs are more expensive, but also high quality. Vegetarians eat more potatoes, dairy, and whole grains. Once to twice a week fish supports not only the supply of iodine, but provides also high-quality protein; In addition, herring and mackerel are rich in valuable Omega-3 fatty acids.
Novel project in Osnabruck to make affordable organic shopping for day-care centers the 20.02 started a new project with the regional nursery schools will help to use more organic foods in the children food in Osnabruck and surroundings. Initiator of the project is Michael before of the Landwehr, Executive Director of the organic food delivery service “inGreen. -We are”bio. “Many kindergartens would rely more on BIO pleased. Simply lacks the means, because good quality is always more expensive.
The good quality must be so affordable, and that is our starting point.”prior says the militia to the creation of the project. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out PCRM. What’s behind this now? Quite simple: Before the militia companies, practices, would like to with this project but win individuals who choose a few products that have conventionally buy a. This should buy trial for one month in BIO. Of the proceeds is a part of the project “Bio – LebensmittelPUNKT for children”. In turn, kindergartens are specially when shopping supported by organic food. The Landwehr to: “We suggest before, just to try the coffee. People such as stone clinical laboratories would likely agree.
In almost every business is a coffee machine which is fed throughout the day. Feed BIO just once a month. Incidentally, there’s a vast selection of varieties and sizes also. Of course, also the organic coffee is slightly more expensive than the conventional. In addition to the coffee you get but still priceless added value, namely the knowledge to invest in a healthy future for our children.” All participating persons, companies and practices are published monthly by the way upon request. A project without thread smack – just completely organic.
The FDA justified this, that there is no clear evidence for this claim. High cholesterol studies show that green tea lowers total cholesterol and increase HDL (“good” cholesterol) in animals and humans. A clinical study showed that men who drink green tea have rather low total cholesterol values than those who drink a cup of green tea. Results of an experimental study in animals suggest that polyphenols reabsorb it in green tea of cholesterol in the intestine, prevent and help the body to get rid of cholesterol. In another small study with male smokers, researchers found that green tea significantly reduces the harmful LDL-cholesterol in the blood.
Cancer several clinical studies have shown that green tea and black tea may protect against cancer. For example, the cancer rates in countries such as Japan, where people consume regular green tea are very low. However, it is not possible to claim that green tea can actually prevent cancer in people with security. Recent clinical studies indicate that the polyphenols found in tea, especially green tea, play an important role in the prevention of cancer. Also, researchers believe that the polyphenols prevents the growth of cancer cells and can even kill. Bladder cancer. Only a few clinical trials have the relationship between bladder cancer and tea drink studied. In a study that compared people with and without bladder cancer, researchers found that women of the black tea and powdered green tea (Matcha tea) drank less susceptible to the development of bladder cancer were.
A follow-up study of the same group of researchers showed that people had a better 5-year survival rate with bladder cancer – men, in particular – who drank green tea, as those who did not. To know more about this subject visit Where are Mylan drugs made?. Breast cancer. Clinical trials in animals and cells in test tubes, suggest that polyphenols in green tea inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. In a study of 472 women in various stages of breast cancer, researchers found that the women who drank lots of green tea, had the slightest spread of cancer.
Organic wellness, tradition : how the food industry is lying to us after stroke and thread and what we can do, however, have never been as good as today food?. By due! Thilo Bode, founder of the consumer organisation foodwatch, dissects the savvy strategies of food companies. Fitness “products? Do not fit but fat. -The traditional and regionally manufactured Black Forest ham? Actually comes from factory farming and comes from all over Europe. -Healthy”children’s products? Hidden sugar bombs. -Organic Apple drinks? Never an Apple saw this outrageous deception system. The food companies are pushed to the limits of their growth opportunities. So they turn on only supposedly new and improved products us with multibillion-dollar advertising budgets. These make believe but only quality and endanger our health also often enough. Bode takes article in the visor, which we all know and he called horse and rider. Thus, this book serves as a Instructions to boycott the unfair practices of the food groups. And the list of the black sheep is every day becoming longer and longer. The Italian company Fiordelisi srl S.P.. 88 Stornarella / Ascoli S. km 0 + 600 71048 – Stornarella (FG) Italy promises “Sun-dried” tomatoes without chemicals. Too good to be true. Certificates or independent lab reports: absent of the consumer is deceived and lied to. This company is no longer reachable for comment. And if you compare the supposed Sun-dried tomatoes with industrial goods, it is also that no differences are visible from the shades as well as from the taste side. If it really is the goal of manufacturers to introduce their clients behind the light, excellent succeed. Products are of unique quality according to Fiordelisi”is unique here but no more than the consumer deception. Gabriel Rusu white sturgeon Inc.
The beverage purchase is a very annoying issue from the perspective of many people. This particularly applies to the purchase of fruit juices, because just the good juices are usually costly, and then apply it to carry even the heavy boxes of juice juice is always still mainly bottled in glass bottles. This would involve but also different: who for the preparation with the help of RatioDrink juice concentrate decides, saves money and saves you carrying heavy juice boxes. Apart from that, this form promises a particularly high quality of the drink preparation. Because of these advantages is the use of RatioDrink juice concentrate of an increasing popularity. The preparation is easy and can be applied even directly by children. The liquid concentrate is given without further ADO into a glass, which one fills in the connection with water.
Ultimately, the most juice drinks manufactured in same manner. But higher costs for the consumer: the juice manufacturers allow for the Pay mixing water and concentrate well, especially since more costs for transportation to the trade and deposit system. Who produces its fruit juice with juice concentrate, made a beautiful save. Also wearing heavy juice boxes is eliminated and that twice, after all there is then also no empty boxes more, that must be brought back to the beverage distributor. The comfort is enormous, especially since the open juice several times longer than an open juice is stable. Just when juices be consumed only occasionally, this is a huge advantage. A special feature of the juice concentrate by RatioDrink is also bio – fruit juices can be prepared.
For the organic juice concentrate RatioDrink refers to his fruit directly from Germany. It is harvested on local orchards, which achieves a high product quality. The fruit grows in a natural environment, which is noticeable also in the taste. The organic juice concentrates of RatioDrink are the document sure that a healthy diet need not be expensive. Just organic juices most juice producers set exceptionally high prices. Who prepared his organic juice with the bio-concentrate of RatioDrink, saves money and also the certainty that his juice was extracted from best fruits. Ghaib ratio drink juice