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Agriculture Plants

The joint diversity of insects and producing plants of flowers is not accidental. Insects and plants are joined by intricate relations. The insects consume all the anatomical parts of the plants and inhabit each one of its cantos and hiddings place. A great parcel of the species of plants depends on the insects for polinizao and reproduction; they must its life, therefore the insects dig the ground around the roots, contributing for the fabric transformation died in necessary nutrients so that the plants can continue growing. The terrestrial insects and other arthropods are so important that, if all disappeared, the humanity probably would not survive more than what some months. The majority of the amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals would be extinct more or less at the same time. After that it would almost lose the totality of producing plants of flowers and, with them, the physical structure of the majority of the forests and other terrestrial environments literally apodrecia. To the measure that the vegetation deceased was if accumulating and drying, closing the canals of the cycles of nutrients other complex forms of vegetation would die.

The fungos after enjoying of a population explosion of ratio estupendas, would decline precipitadamente, and the majority of the species would perish. The ground would return approximately to the same condition of the paleozico period, covered for a confusion of vegetation polinizada for the wind and dotted by small trees and shrubs here and there, practically without animal life. They is esteem that Brazilian agriculture loses about 2 billion dollar per year in consequence of the action of harmful insects to the plantations. In the list of these insects grasshoppers include themselves, savas, beetles, lizards, chinch-bugs, pulges and cigarrinhas. Since the fields of culture until the storage, these animals can attack roots, caules, floral leves, buttons, fruits and seeds, beyond spreading virus, bacteria and fungos parasites; it is the case of certain cigarrinhas, that they spread the .causing bacterium of ' ' amarelinho' ' one of the most important illnesses that affect the orange groves. The insects, beyond provoking damages to agriculture, can also transmit diverse illnesses for the beings human livings creature; it is the case of the mosquito anopheles, transmitter of the responsible protozorio for the malaria. Some insects, as you trace and cupins, can also cause domestic damages. But, beyond important for the biological balance De Campos and of forests, the insects can be desirable the certain interests human, when acting, for example, as agents biological polinizadores of diverse plants or controlling in the combat the harmful species to the farmings.

Environmental Laws In Catarina

In the state of Santa Catarina one is about law 11,986 of 12 of November of 2001. While in the municipal sphere, according to city hall of the city of Mafra, does not exist specific legislation for the creation of units of conservation, however in the Managing Plan of the City of Mafra Law n 1773 of 16/12/1991, that it makes use on the Zoning of Use of the Ground of the Urban Perimeter of the Headquarters of the City and of the Other steps cites in its Chapter VI according to deals with the Zones of Ambient Preservation and Lazer (ZPAL) general objectives SNUC, is to contribute for the maintenance of the biological diversity and of its genetics, protecting the threatened species of extinguishing and contributing for natural ecosystem restoration, add if to this the intention to promote the development sustainable, using the principles of conservation of the nature.. .

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