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Hemcia in scythe form Picture Clinical Jaundice (yellow color in the eyes and skin): it is the signal most frequent of the illness. The picture is not contagious and Crisis of pain does not have to be confused with hepatitis: it is the symptom most frequent of the falciforme illness caused by the blockage of small vases sanguineous for red globules in scythe form. Whenever Dr. Neal Barnard listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Pain is more frequent in the bones and the joints, being able, however to reach any part of the body. Robert Greene has firm opinions on the matter. Syndrome hand-foot: in the small children the pain crises can occur in the small sanguine vases of the hands and the feet, causing swell, pain and vermelhido in the place. Infections: the people with falciforme illness have greater propensity the infections and, mainly the children can have more pneumonias and meningites. Ulcer (wounded) of Leg: it occurs more frequently next to the ankles, from the adolescence. Kidnapping of the Blood in the Bao: bao is the agency that filters the blood. In children with falciforme anemia, bao can increase quickly for kidnapping the blood all and this can lead quickly to the death due to blood for the other agencies, as the brain and the heart.

I diagnosis Laboratoriais the detention is made through the examination eletroforese of hemoglobina. The test of pezinho, carried through gratuitously before the baby receiving high from the maternity, provides the precocious detention of hemoglobinopatias, as the falciforme anemia. The values of normality vary sex and age in accordance with. Beyond these parameters, the morphologic analysis of the hemcias (esfregao of peripheral blood) is useful also for the etiolgico diagnosis. Treatment the only treatment dressing for the falciforme anemia is the transplant of ssea marrow. Of the clinical point of view, the hidroxiuria use, an inhibiting quimioterpico of ribonucleotidase comes if disclosing useful, for diminishing the number of painful episodes and acute torcica syndrome.

The Trilogy

This capacity of qualification is attributed to the pleasure, therefore it is for the search of beneficial objects to the vital movement, that is, necessary the conservation of the life that if characterizes a positive sensation, in the case the pleasure. The pleasure desire is had as survival factor human being, as well as the rejection to all negative sensation, configures the displeasure and is attributed to the harmful object the life. Studying the mechanics of the passions in Hobbes we could ask: how if it can desire or reject something that if is unaware of? Or still the individual always goes to love or to hate one definitive object? Hobbes clarifies these questions in it capitulates VI of the workmanship the Leviat when it says: Because of the things that entirely we are unaware of, or whose existence we do not believe, we cannot have another desire that not to prove it and to try. But we have aversion, not only for things that we know to have caused them damage, but also for that we do not know if they can or not cause us damage. Of the things that we do not desire nor we hate if it says we disdain that them. Not being the disdain another thing seno an immobility or contempt of court of the heart, when resisting the action of certain things.

Which drift of the fact of the heart to be already stimulated in different way for more powerful objects, or of the lack of experience of those things. In the trilogy of the passions of Hobbes we point out the desire preceding the pleasure that leads to the love. The proximity between desire and love is made by the bridge of the pleasure, since Hobbes attributes to desire the absence of the loved object and love the presence of the object long ago desired.

Chinese Traditional Medicine

The patients had been submitted to a consultation with a professional of the health, where the fiche of anamnese of the same was filled so that the PIC was detected that if would incase to its necessity. In anamnese the personal datas had been described, physical examination, alimentary habits, quality of sleep, which the emotions most frequent and in which situations they appear, tipologia, pathological complaint and the diagnosis and used treatment. To the sex and the age of the patients had been told (Graphical 01). The prevalent etria band of the patients who had looked the PASS was between 31 and 50 years. It was also verified that the majority of the patients who had looked the acupuntura service was of the feminine sex, totalizing 11 women and only 04 men.

Although the diversity of found patologias, the complaint most frequent is related to the lgicos pictures (Graphical 02). The joined patologias sufficiently had been varied as: esclerodermia, face paralysis, chronic headache frontal, record hernia, polineuropatia, migraine, crvico-lombalgia, AVC with sequel, artrose, pain in superior member, pain in inferior member, pain for Herpes Zoster, espasticidade (face paralysis) emergencies. They had been used some PICs for treatment of the patients, being the most used practical of acupuntura and the auriculoterapia (Table 1). During the period of this work 180 atendimentos had been carried through, having average of 08 atendimentos for patient, which were weekly. Only 02 abandonments without joust had been evidenced cause. For mensurao of the degree of improvement gotten through the application of the PICs it was used Analogical Visual Escala, where it was observed that all the patients had told improvement in 70% in the general picture of its complaints with the treatment.

The Familiar

The psicossociais interventions must be organized in particular way, for each in case that physician related to the individual aspects, them the society to help it is basic in the reintegration of the patient to create it emotional, intellectual, and social abilities and dumb the perception on the insanities (SAINT BAHLS, FLVIA BAHLS and ZACAR 2004). The psicossociais interventions assist the carrier to have a better concept on the illness and provide to one better adaptation of the psychosis promoting one better comfort to the user and assisting in the difficulties that face in elapsing of the day (GIACON and GALERA, 2005). Familiar intervention the familiar ones are allies importantssimos in the treatment and in the inclusion of the patient in the society, the information and the explanations they must be supplied family in the direction to prevent estresses, to reduce inapropriadas expectations and to facilitate the participation of the carrier in the treatment (SAINT BAHLS, FLVIA BAHLS and ZACAR 2004). Connect with other leaders such as Senator of Massachusetts here. The initial impact of the news of that somebody of the family has schizophrenia is sufficiently painful and provokes reactions inadequate of familiar and most of the time the worsening the clinical picture of the patient ahead of the problem, them acts exactly indifferent or hostile, or with critical, in this way she is necessary to guide and to clarify the doubts all involving in the treatment process (GRANDSON 2010). The basic one is to receive the family giving the possible support to alliviate the sensation of guilt, conflicts, situations of crisis, social isolation, to offer a support to deal with the situation and to give autonomy so that it if feels capable of if autocuidar. (GIACON and GALERA, 2005). The care of nursing the psychiatric nursing to be established in the interpersonal relationship nurse-patient, through which it analyzes the biopsicossociais aspects of the human being. In the biological aspect the nursing to watch the adverse effect of the frmaco and folloies the general health of the patient and its family. .


(1-7) Muscular allonge This type of physical activity comes being used as main treatment to promote the improvement of the physical function, in the reduction in the appearance of them to tend points, and in the improvement of the quality of life. This because in uncurling of the exercise, it is respected the threshold of pain and effort of the patients, making with that proper they are more adepts and then, the profits will be in the long run. (8-11) We can say that the patients are acometidos in its muscular chains. Thus, we will trace a profile of program of allonge from these information, that will be harvested in the visual inspection (on account of the antlgica position) and at the moment of the palpao (to tend points that they help to close a fisiodiagnstico). (8-11) Literature sample that the engaged chains are (almost always in this order): posterior, inspiratria and ntero-intern of the shoulder.

However, it is function of the Physiotherapist, while she mounts a treatment program, to acquire knowledge its patient of the structures of its body (therefore, many clinics appeal to the practical one of these exercises, in special with these patients, in front of the mirror), what it allows the fibromilgico to improve its postural alignment and the maintenance of this position. (8-11) The fibromilgicos have a subjective sensation of muscular weakness, favoring a position inadequate leaving with that the muscles less requested can come to have some type of injury, as microtraumas in the exercises. (8-11) Studies prove that these patients have greater tolerance and comprometimento with the exercises of allonge if compared with the aerbicos exercises. These, then, are made with regularity, allowing that the painful points are reached and worked with more efficiency. (8-11) The relaxation process contributes so that the patient corrects what she is made a mistake in its relations with its body, other people and its proper emotions.

EEG Language

This Syndrome does not occur for genetic inheritance, however it is fruit of an internal mutation of chromosome X, justifying the biggest incidence in the women. The girls if become anxious irritadias and start to make movements estereotipados with the hands. When bigger they can recoup part of the capacity to interact socially, however the psicomotor damage does not present regressions. (VARELLA, 2010) 3) Another illness that presents similar symptoms to the one of the Autismo is the Desintegrativa Disturbance of Infncia (PDI), that it is characterized for loss of the language, of the necessity and pleasure to establish visual contact loss of the not verbal communication, as to point objects. It occurs in the five first years of life, obligatorily. According to Schwartzman (2006), the children who present this upheaval execute normal and appropriate activities to the age, however from the 2 years of life and, before the 10, the child she suffers alterations that take the significant losses of the communicative processes, mannering and social.

It is also known as syndrome of Heller, infantile dementia or desintegrativa psychosis e, can present alterations the neurological level, generating even though, mental retardation, with presence of abnormalitys in EEG (Eletroencefalograma). According to DSM-IV-TR (2003), the criteria for disgnostic evaluation of the PDI are: pparently normal Development, at least during the 2 first years after the birth, revealed for the presence of verbal and not-verbal communication, social relationships, appropriate games and adaptativo behavior to the age. clinically significant Loss of acquired abilities already (before the 10 years) in at least two of the following areas: (1) expressive or receptive language (2) social abilities or adaptativo behavior (3) intestinal or vesical control (4) games (5) motor abilities Abnormalitys of the functioning in at least two of the following areas: (1) qualitative damage in the social interaction.

IMC Abdominal

For example, if you weigh 58Kg and measure 1,56m, you you must use the following formula to calculate the IMC: IMC: 58/1,56×1,56 IMC: 58/2,43 IMC = 23,86 Congratulations you are in its normal weight She is intent (), also, its abdominal circumference, therefore although to be in its normal weight, an abdominal circumference is of the indicated one can favor to the appearance of illnesses, as for example infarto acute of the myocardium. The abdominal circumference is a simple and representative method of the fat accumulated in the abdomen. It represents when associate to other factors as, diabetes, hipertenso, high cholesterol and triglicerides and obesidade, high risk to develop the metabolic syndrome. The METABOLIC SYNDROME (SM) is characterized for the association, in one same individual, of dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus of 2 type or intolerncia to the glucose, arterial hipertenso and excess of weight or obesidade. This measure easily is carried through: using not elastic a metric ribbon, the abdominal circumference is measured in the height of the umbilical scar (umbigo). After medicates to carry through it sees if you this running some risk: Men: > 102 cm Women: > 88 cm With the cult the beauty many times dictated by the esteretipos of passarelas of fashion, appear in the market innumerable diets with promises of loss of fast and healthful weight, but they do not deceive a healthful diet and without the occurrence of that undesirable effect concertina she is that one gotten through the medical accompaniment and associate with physical exercises, when recommended. In accordance with the Endocrinologista Dr.

Guillermo de Azevedo Ribeiro, author of the book Diet Note 10, that it folloies diverse famous actresses, the differential, of the diet of notes, is the freedom to mount the proper cardpio. The choices are based on the taste of each one. No food is forbidden. Amongst the celebrities it is to the actress Carolina Dieckmann who eliminated 30 kg acquired in the pregnancy, thanks to the diet of notes, According to diet, each food possesss one definitive note number. each person, depending on the height and sex, must consume one definitive note number to obtain to lose weight. Still, in accordance with the endocrinologista, you can eat of everything and lose the kilos that it desires. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from dr alan mendelsohn. Because to emagrecer it is simple, although not to be easy. Emagrecer, and if to keep in the ideal weight, demands to change the alimentary habits.

Frescal Mines

Of these, five samples (62.5%) had presented inferior values for coliformes 35C being proper for the consumption, three (37.5%) had presented values above of the limits for both the groups of coliformes. For the samples of cheese Frescal Mines that had presented coliformes 35C above of the standard allowed for the legislation of most likely number (NMP/g) had varied of 11 > 1100, whereas the most likely number (NMP/g) of coliformes 45C varied of 11 > 1100. Of the eight samples of cheese Mines Frescal only five (62.5%) they had been considered proper to the consumption for inside presenting most likely number (NMP/g) of coliformes of the allowed one for the legislation. Comparing these results with the found ones in literature, analysis of termotolerantes coliformes can be observed with the relation, had been found three (37.5%) samples is of the standard, this result was inferior to the gotten ones for other researchers. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Peter M. Wayne or emailing the administrator. This finding inferior (58.33%) was found by Castrates et al. The value of (37.5%) on the other hand was inferior to (60%) the (87.30%) found by GRANDI et al (2007) and ARAJO et al (2001), respectively.

The high concentration of coliformes in one determined food indicates the precarious hygienical conditions in the manufacture of the cheese and the permanence of the product since the production until its commercialization in inadequate temperatures. With this it can exist the possibility of if finding microorganisms pathogenic, as the Staphyloccus aureus, and that they transmit illnesses as: bacillary dysentery and fever tifide (LEATHER STRAP et al., 1996; SABIONI et al., 1988). Check out James A. Levine, M.D. for additional information. The majority of the cheeses commercialized in Brazil does not present satisfactory microbiological quality being constant to the poisoning risks (SABIONI et al., 1988). 4. CONCLUSION In the analyzed samples proceeding from the commerce of the city of Spring of the East had been found samples of cheese Frescal Mines in improper conditions for the consumption, since the levels of coliformes had been significant and common, being these pointers of product quality, being able then, to come to provoke problems of public health, being a risk to the health human being. . Dr. Peter M. Wayne helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Mello Body

The Brazilian Society of Psicomotricidade (2010) defines the same one as one ' ' science that has as study object the man through its body in movement and relation to its internal and external world. He is related to the maturation process, where the body is the origin of the cognitivas acquisitions, affective and organic. He is supported by three basic knowledge: the movement, the intellect and afeto' '. From all these years if dedicating the studies, research and telling cases that this science, the Psicomotricidade, comes growing in its three great sources: the re-education, second, Meur (1991), ' ' it is directed for children who suffer from instrumental disturbances (difficulties or delays psicomotores) ' ' ; in agreement therapy Mello (2002), ' ' being indicated for children with great disturbances and whose adaptation and of origin neurolgica' ' ; the education for Meur (1991), has as objective the psicomotor development of the child with purpose of leads-there to dominate the proper body and to acquire voluntary movements. Psicomotricidade beyond having these sources, inside of these if finds two lines, being the one Functionary and to another Relationary one.

any one of them has its followers, thinkers and researchers. With respect to functionary the objective is to improve the corporal and physical development, as much how much if they had placed as prerequisite for learning of the writing and the reading, recommending tests of evaluation, disgnostic and lapsing of exercises for development of the different corporal abilities, and the work of the functional conception if bases on the beddings psicomtores (ALMEIDA & TAVARES, 2010). In accordance with Machado and Tavares (2010) in a generalized manner the objective Functional Psicomotricidade the corporal inteirao so that the child or the citizen gets in accordance with to reach the global development for intervention of the work of certain beddings specific psicomotores the necessities and particularitities of each one. .

Average Ensino

Education 5 24 Average Ensino 15 71 Superior in course 1 5 TOTAL 21 100 Source: Interviews carried through for the execution of this work TABLE 3 Perception of the users on the attendance with PercepoPacientes nurse (%) Indifferent Security/confiana11 52 6 29 Not confiam3 14 Not aceitam1 5 100 TOTAL21 Source: Interviews carried through for the execution of this work the findings of the research disclose in them that the users if feel valued and important during the collection of citopatolgico material, although 29% to be unaware of that it carries through who it are the professional nurse. Beyond an act automatized technician and, they agree the nurse to acquire capacity to ahead understand and to understand the human being of its amplified complexities, dimensions, knowing to hear and to intervine, to make it with comprehensive and humanizadas actions. (ALMEIDA; AXE, 2005). You say amongst them of the patients, was possible to understand that the perception of the user in relation to the citopatolgica collection is formed during anamnese, carried through before the collection of citopatolgico material carried through by the nurse, corresponding 52% of the users who say to feel confidence and security.

To hear and to receive the patient before any procedure are of utmost importance. At this moment mutual influence occurs, which is cultivated by perceptions and exchange of verbal information, creating bond between the patient and the responsible professional for the material collection. The patients who had not obtained to express themselves with clearness, had exactly thus participated giving to its opinion on differences and similarities between the collection made for the nurse and the made one for the doctor. With the nurse he is possible to establish a relation next individual. The patients, in its majority, say that they feel to the will to express subjects related to the life, what she is marked by the naturalness and flexibility, as she can be observed in the stories to follow: H 8 – 36 years, escolaridade: average education.

‘ ‘ Pra me is normal, therefore already it makes 5 years that I only make with nurse, I feel myself comfortable very, therefore the nurse me leaves tranquila and to the will to say on the related problems my privacy and transmits confidence in the execution of procedimento’ ‘. N 13 – 15 years, escolaridade: average education. ‘ ‘ I found that it was good, because it clarifies all doubts, pra always for leaving people to vontade’ ‘. P 15 – 25 years, escolaridade: average education ‘ ‘ For me it was an excellent experience. The professional passed me much security, knew to explain the questions to me that fiz’ ‘. L 11-32 years: escolaridade: average education ‘ ‘ I feel myself well, it me of the security, not only pra me, but for all pessoas’ ‘. These stories go to the meeting of speak of Arajo et al., that it says that ‘ ‘ the participation of a strange person to the woman it is imposta.

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