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Life Preferences

Descordar of itself exactly is a knife of two gumes. Which amongst vocs does not know somebody or knew somebody that makes look like to have as only function of the life to descordar of the others? When you say right, to another person she is saying left, or when you choose white another one says that he is better black. You will be able to say that these attitudes are only one question of preferences, but the preferences do not cause sensations of distress, of depreciation or of anger, the preferences only disclose preferences. But the discord cause unnecessary feelings that are produced by behaviors hostile, and these are induced for external actions, many provoked times for that only descordam to remain contrary, in disharmony with the rhythm of the healthful convivncia. The worse quandary is as to deal thus with people, that they only descordam to be I oppose its opinion or its choices? First it understands the reasons that take the other to have this attitude rude; it understands because you leave yourself to shake for the words pronounced for the other; desconstrua the phrases and its thoughts that provoke bad sensations. It does not matter if who only makes disagrees it not to agree to its opinions and choices, what it matters is as you perceive in this situation and as you are giving emphasis excessively what the other says. It remembers when was child they renomearam and you with a pseudonym, one, nickname, and you it did not like and it demonstrated that it did not like because really it did not like? He imagines if at this time you did not value what she heard that she was I oppose its mental health, if you had desconstrudo the weight of the offence, to be able of the word and mainly its auto wrong defense of that you only attacked you why understood as something very comprometedor! Certainly you would not have suffered in such a way.

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