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Depression is a very common psychological type box in our time, and can respond to very different origins and affect the person who it suffers in all and each one of the areas of her life, among them the labor. Indeed, many jobs are associated with levels of tension and stress that could be highly incompatible with a possible depressive state of the employee, and may thereby be compromised both their own security and the rest of people who surround him. Labour as the source of the depression between the aforementioned multiple origins of depression could find the own work performed by the individual. The excessive burden of assumed functions, high pressure, lack of motivation, frustration at the difficulty or impossibility of promotions, the precariousness of the post, bad times or competitiveness with other peers could be all of them factors that result in the same. Spend so many hours in an environment that encourages precisely this dissatisfaction, frustration and depressive thoughts can therefore be decisive in a depressing picture, something in most cases ignored by the person who suffers from it.

The true severity of this disease beyond cliches and existing stereotypes, depression can be a devastating disease to the person’s life. In the most extreme cases could bring a total abandonment of his life, being unable to work, eat, go out or even dress. He is estimated at up to 10% of the population suffers from some form of depressive character disorder, being cited as one of the main causes of sick leave together with cardiovascular diseases, with the losses that this implies for the companies. Having psychological character, their detection is more complicated, with what the person who has it could not be alerted in a first moment about the same, complicating its treatment as this progresses. And in that time period of lack of alert on the disease, failure of concentration than It could result in the worker could prove fatal. Sectors such as transportation, foundry, construction or heavy industry tend to have jobs that require great skill, and any lack of attention can seriously jeopardise its physical integrity.

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