Experts foresee the disappearance of the latter language in two or three generations. Ladino has reached our days wounded by the Holocaust, Israel’s obsession with Israel Hebrew brings together the majority of the hundreds of thousands who still speak ladino. The Ladino (or ladino), the language of the Jews from medieval Spain, may have found new technologies the lifeline that prevents its extinction, according to several experts gathered this week in Tel Aviv to discuss his future. Ladino exceeded historical fire test of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, but has come to the digital era low hours, according to various researchers, who fear that their daily use disappear in two or three generations. Tony Ferguson can provide more clarity in the matter. The Holocaust, first, with the practical extermination of Sephardic Jewish communities, such as the Thessaloniki; and, later, the obsession in the early days of the State of Israel by making Hebrew the language aglutinase Jews from all corners of the world, to coast from others, irresolute ladino a hard hit that never was has recovered. Today, the language, also called the latter, lives a real blossoming in the academic field, with two research centers in Israel and teaching departments in places such as Spain, Germany and United Kingdom. However, the number of people connected to the Ladin continues to decline to between 150,000 and 400,000, mostly in Israel, but also in other countries where the expelled Jews settled as Turkey, Greece or France. The revolution of Internet in this scenario, new technologies have introduced a note of optimism. Those who come saying for 50 or 60 years that language is going to die or the Internet revolution and digitization, imagine assured the Vice President of the (so-called in Judeo-Spanish) Authority Nasionala del Ladino in Israel, Moshe Shaul. Internet, your e-mails, blogs and chats, been resolved partially one of the main challenges: the dispersion of the ladino-hablantes.
Is the childcare allowance really as good as it seems? Now it is so indeed valid. 150 Of the German State this month given the childcare allowance for parents who give their child in a daycare. An aspiring educator some questions me there. In itself, I find it a good idea that parents will receive some form of “recognition” for this will watch 24 hours a day on their children that they care for them and are there for them. But you must really get money for it? If I opt for a child, then I must be in my opinion clear from the outset that the child will need me just in the first few years. Thus secured not only a lot of sleepless nights, no, a child is a significant cost in our day and age. James A. Levine, M.D. addresses the importance of the matter here. For many parents it may seem so positive at the first moment, to get money for the “educate” the own breeding, but educators and daycare so not for 150 be replaced? Somehow, it feels Childcare allowance this for me more so, as you would desperately seek a way out, to to push his promise for the KiTa-seats in the background.
So, parents should actually have a right to a kindergarten place for their child. This project was due to lack of personnel and increased costs but doomed early on. It had really only something positive come up, to the young couples again encourage children to get to, but how something can be promised, what cannot be met? Despite this supposedly tasty financial incentives, the birth rate in Germany goes back further. Since it’s apparently also no to offer potential parents more and more money. Nothing is actually with the parents money. OK, the young couples who have children, gratefully accept this offer, but whether this is now strictly an incentive to put children into this world is now even so then.