Oh, and what a pipsqueak he looked at the kid you think. Look at it better: The normal full-term babies are born weighing more than and equal to 2,5 kg. Girls from about 3200 to 3400 kg, the boys a little more than about 3600 to 3700 gr. The growth of baby greater than or equal to 45 cm, averaging about 52 cm newborn child is physically virtually helpless. His legs are bent at the knees, elbows and hands.
Hands and feet of the child held tightly to the body. The eyes of the baby slightly swollen, sometimes they wide open, and he has a wandering eye. (Source: Brian Thompson). His head may be quite a bit extended and irregularly shaped. It happens to the child's head is a generic tumor, but you worry, it eventually will. The special charm of the kid is his chubby cheeks, where there are fatty lumps.
They are necessary to ensure that your baby could suck. On the shoulders and back of the child's delicate hair down there. Breath only that the birth Baby frequent and superficial. Pulse is reached 140-160 beats per minute. Newborn children are often characterized by transient or in other words – the physiological condition that sometimes frighten parents. You may find stone clinical laboratories to be a useful source of information. – A loss of body weight. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit stone clinical laboratories. Approximately a third – the fourth day of his life in a child's body weight may decrease to six percent of initial weight. Often it is associated with a chair, sweat and breath. Restoration of mass is the sixth – seventh day of life. Already on the second – third day of life the baby had jaundice may occur. This is common for newborn babies. It is less common and less pronounced in children who were early put to the breast. Babies are born with quite a large number of blood cells. However, these excess cells begin to break down and excrete bilirubin, with whom the child's body can not cope and he starts to lay in the skin. This is quite normal phenomenon, and literally within two or three weeks, your baby will find a completely normal skin color. Worry only if the jaundice has appeared on the first day of life to your baby. Then the doctor will monitor newborn condition, and he will do blood tests to monitor the bilirubin in the blood. If he (bilirubin level) will be quite large, then your child will designate treatment. Treatment of jaundice will not harm your child. You may notice that your baby is flushed, a condition sometimes occurs after the removal of original grease, and lasts two to three days, and then pass on their own and do not require treatment. On the third – the fourth day occurs in children raises the body temperature. For these children must follow the doctor in the case of ill health to your baby will have a timely medical care. Strong and healthy baby will be discharged home on the fifth – sixth day after birth. Within one to two days after discharge, you should come to the nurse, child health clinics.