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Ian, how would you define your style of work? I would not want to do this, about my job to judge my audience and clients. That you love to shoot? Of course people! The nature of the photographs, too, is beautiful, but if in the landscape, For example, there is a man, then with it comes a special depth and perhaps even philosophy. Let it be a beautiful view and with him at least a silhouette of a man – and it is quite another perception. Now that the conversation turned to nature, you, I saw lots of photos a la plein-air, as well as shooting in the interior – you try to move away from studio shooting? Yes and no. In the studio me a little is not enough space, not enough "air" and freedom of natural light. Especially in the spring I studio does not kick in and out of town so many wonderful places. Check out James A. Levine, M.D. for additional information.

And in the studio a little different objects that can be interesting beat, as opposed to the interior. But in the studio, I, of course, also works. The photographer should be able to do photo studio and do them well – there is shooting, which can only be made there. Just a matter of preference. On preferences: which direction in the photo is closest? So immediately and do not say! Different … For assistance, try visiting christopher ridgeway stone. Take my children very inspiring. Especially like to take children from 2 to 4 years – they are moving and direct.

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