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Oral Surgery

The oral surgery is a medical discipline that postgraduate outpost requires of a formation, as well as a experience prolonged in its exercise. An oral surgeon, can handle to a great variety of problems related to the mouth and the teeth, problems that generally include from implantologia dental to the tooth elimination of the judgment. Between the own abilities of the oral surgeon it emphasizes the reconstruction of the bony anatomy of maxilares, crucial activity to secure an increase of the bone in width and height necessary you implant to lodge them dental. At present this technique is very important to be able to offer to the patients with dental absence a stable, comfortable and sustainable treatment in the time). Between the pathologies appellants within the oral surgery are more the third parties molares that are teeth of the Judgment which they have not left and they are within the bone, underneath enca We must mainly consider that a tooth of the judgment including can cause infections, when is inclusion is partial and molar it is communicated with the mouth.

Also this situation can damagethe neighboring teeth, causing decay, periodontal pathology in enca adjacent, encas swollen, cysts and even tumors, although these last ones are not excessively frequent.How to treat this pathology? In principle, a panoramic x-ray and a clinical exploration will help the surgeon to predict if a tooth of the judgment goes or not to cause problems in the future. If the probability of future complications is considerable it will come to an extraction from the same. Like data, to say that the approximated age of eruption of teeth of the judgment is placed between the 17 and 21 years reason why the extraction of these teeth in very young patients usually is easier, because the roots of molar have not been developed completely (normally we spoke of a much more fast intervention and with post-operative a less complex). Normally after the intervention, the patient will have the inflamed zone for days, being both the first critics in terms of annoyances. Nevertheless after the second day the annoyances are sending. Nowadays thanks to the existing possibilities in good good ruled medecine combination, can can resist of very effective way these post-operative annoyances.In addition they exist a series of you rule for the post-operative one that gives the surgeon and who, complementing itself with the prescribed medication, will serve so that he accelerates to the maximum to the recovery the effects of the annoyances fall remarkably. Oral surgery Original author and source of the article.

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