TCE Automobile

According to hospital net Sarah (2001) the TCE is the pathology of bigger impact in the quality of life, important cause of death and physical and mental deficiency. The traffic accidents are the main cause of cerebral injury and the second bigger cause of hospital internment. To mobilize the population it is necessary to prove, with scientific data that the indices of accidents are very raised and that the main measure of prevention is the education in the transit. In such a way, the study of the related TCE the automobile accidents are a question of preventive health, in view of that, to solve this problem a process of education in health is necessary. E, as consequncia of this, would have a reduction of the costs with hospital internments drawn out being able to improve the other services of public attendance. This research aims at search given that can contribute for the prevention of neurotraumas related with automobile accidents, in the West of the Bahia. In such a way, the personal reasons for the choice of this subject had been preponderant, in view of being of interest of the researcher, as well as for the emergencial question that if became the decurrent transit and accidents of it, as well as its implications, before the social urgencies of the humanity.

In such a way, the choice of this subject if gave mainly for being current and being of social necessity, of a modern world that if it transforms daily, and where these changes provoke anomalies in the processes of conduction of the proper society. 1.5OBJETIVOS 1.5.1Objetivo Generality To analyze the occurrence of TCE in patient victims of interned automobile traffic accidents in a hospital of average transport of the west of the Bahia. specific 1.5.2Objetivos? To identify the patient automobile victims of accident with I diagnosis of trauma enceflico skull? To trace the sociodemogrfico profile of the patients? To evaluate the computerized cat scans of skull identifying the main injuries.

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