The Act in Freud: For Freud the citizen is not owner of its will. The action does not imply in the exercise, for the citizen, of its will. The ACT for Freud is pure interpretation and the interpretations have one weight very great. Other leaders such as Dr. Neal Barnard offer similar insights. This because the freudiana conception of citizen is not identified with the notion of person, and the citizen if establishes in the unconscious one. if the citizen (person) does not identify itself with the instance of the ego, but if she establishes in unconscious, the will is not imposed and it is not placed for the teorizao of the psychoanalysis. For more information see this site: Senator Elizabeth Warren. The citizen if constructs to the measure that if it interprets.
The act in Lacan: For Lacan the ACT is an analytical process that has the cut as something to be carried through by the figure of the analyst. The tematizao of the ACT concept if carries through in the final passage of Lacan when this if inquired on the register of the Real in its joints with the registers of the Symbolic one and of the Imaginary one. The ACT is, then, a metodolgico procedure of the figure of the analyst, where this also if inserts in the analytical process as object ‘ ‘ a’ ‘ , the object cause of the desire and not only as object of the desire. For Lacan the figure of the analyst beyond occupying the position of interprets established for Freud, occupies, also, the object position cause of the desire. The ACT is for taking subject to the possibility of if recriar, to take the production possibility having contact with the lack.