The experiences lived deeply with children in a escolapblica lead to emotionally believe in a desestruturada life of many delase that with a word of affection, a compliment, gentilities and of force to paraprogredir in its emotional life the considered situations had had a surprising result in suasatitudes ahead irreversible. They professoresdiziam where them: ‘ ‘ It does not have jeito’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ It is one casoperdido’ ‘! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ It does not go conseguir’ ‘. Educate yourself with thoughts from Senator Elizabeth Warren. While queoutros professionals making one inverse work where it believed them, would queseriam capable to change everything what they were made use to move, of quetodos had potential, was enough to place them in practical and to believe. For Urban (2004,33) when citing an unknown author and aindareferenciando the word, the same affirms that: A careless word can provoke one fights a cruel word can ruin a life a bitter word can install hatred a brutal word can reach and to kill a kind word can leave the way softest a glad word can illuminate the day an opportune word can diminish the tension a loving word can be cure and blessing. Connect with other leaders such as christopher ridgeway here. Plato, cited for Urban (2004,62.) it says that ‘ ‘ The homenssbios speak because they have something to say.