Web Engine

Quality search engine depends primarily on the ability to find the information you looking for user. To begin with, this information must be known search engine. The more pages the search engine we know and the more often they are searched for updates, the better. Currently, Yandex and Google with about the same speed browsing pages, and almost all are more or less significant sites known for these systems. So problems with the lack of sources of information today is not there – the main problems in excess of information. Since the information containing the search phrase, most often in excess, the search engines give out hundreds of sites in response to most requests. The most appropriate term, that is most relevant, Web pages are located closer to the top issue.

The problem, however, that these pages can be found quite a lot. In this case, the search engine above has to issue a more authoritative sites. And here again question arises as to how search engines determine the credibility of a site. The main indicator of today are external links, that is, the more links on a site with other sites, so it is authoritative. This SEOs are – they get links from popular websites to your website to raise its credibility. Search engines as far as possible try to determine the purchase links and ignore them, but so far they have not it too good at it.

Today, Google is better than Yandex, deals with the definition of a real authority site. In addition, the low credibility of the site in the search does not stop when the site has the desired information. That is why Google's search results is easier to find the user needs a web page, even if their authors do not spend money on promotion. In addition, Google provides additional useful tools for webmasters, which differ for the better side compared to similar services of Yandex. The result can be considered the best search engine Google, for both visitors to the web sites, and to their creators. However, it is still more popular Yandex system, for optimizers, it remains the best, because for them the best search engine that where it comes from more visitors.

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