Weight Loss Plan

The program To eat To lose it is a plan to lower of weight that teaches to him to eat correctly. One assumes that this will help to lose weight and to improve its health in the long term. The program was written by Isabel Of the Rivers, dietician certified, and it has become the main manual of loss of weight in few years in the Web. The first time that I read east program was for more of a year and I have learned much of him. During my reading, I discovered a pile of things that I like of the program and how Isabel Of the Rivers teaches correct nutritional habits, but also was something did not like. In this article, I want to speak of good and the bad thing that I feel by the program To eat To lose. 5 Things that I like 1. To know more about this subject visit Dr. John Mcdougall. One learns new facts about the food – I am referring specifically to some of the things that I learned of this program on the foods that I thought that they were healthy, but turned out more to be moved away of the truth.

This is the true essence of the program: to help to see that through means into bad communication they inform to you on products that supposedly are good for the health but that hidden they make you get fat. 2. Not only the loss of weight – there is no doubt that this program takes care of the people who want to lose weight. But this is not everything what does. The program To eat To lose it teaches healthful habits of feeding, whose effect goes beyond losing tal o cual amount of kilos. To broaden your perception, visit Eva Andersson-Dubin. Its health depends on the quality of foods that you eat. All we know that. This program teaches to correctly eat not only to lose weight, but to feel better also.

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